Chapter 64

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting please all of you enjoy it.

Queen Elizabeth: good evening to you all.

Queen Elizabeth greeted as the girls greeted her back and Y/N also greeted her back.

Y/N:you look beautiful on wearing that Queen Elizabeth.

Y/N said as Queen Elizabeth turned to look at Y/N and immediately blush when she saw what he was wearing.

Queen Elizabeth:Lord Y/N you have arrived.

Queen Elizabeth said with still a blush on her face.

Y/N:oh you don't need to be so formal Elizabeth just call me by my name.

Y/N said as he took his 64th glass of red wine and he hasn't got drunk yet.

Queen Elizabeth:alright Y/N.

Queen Elizabeth said as she sat besides Warspite who is eating a piece of slice cake.

Hornet: I heard that you have made a game for us your Majesty?

Hornet asked as she took a glass of water to drink.

Queen Elizabeth:well yes actually but that will begin later but for now you should enjoy.

Queen Elizabeth said as she took a cup of tea.

They all enjoy talking to each other for a while and 30 minutes pass San Diego began to walk up to the stage.

San Diego:can I have everyone attention please.

San Diego said as everyone all stop what ther doing and look towards her.

San Diego: I would juts like to announce that the game will be starting.

San Diego said as several of the Royal maids brought several bottles of wine on every table.

Hornet: wait what's the wine for?

Hornet asked a bit confused as to what is happening.

Yorktown:will the game be a drinking contest.

Yorktown asked to Y/N who just finnish drinking his 70th glass of red wine.

Y/N:well it looks that way but I wonder what the prize will be?

Cleveland: I wish it would be something good.

Queen Elizabeth: oh I am sure that you will clearly like it Cleveland.

Queen Elizabeth said with a smirk on her face as everyone didn't notice it.

Except for Y/N as he saw her smirking as it could only mean that what ever the prize of the game will be very interesting.

Y/N got interested in this as he decides to see what the prize will be.

San Diego: now if anyone is wondering what this are for the game will be a drinking contest.

San Diego said while pointing at the wines that are on everyone table.

San Diego: the rules are simple who ever last doesn't fall drunk wins.

San Diego said as suddenly North Carolina raised her hand.

San Diego: yes you have a question North Carolina?

San Diego asked as North Carolina stands up from her seat.

North Carolina: what will the prize of the winner be?

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