Chapter 161(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

And a huge explosion of fire burst out of the ground that burn the traitor to death along with the remaining undead army he had.

Y/N: never underestimate a Super Shell from a Paris Class Destroyer.

Y/N said as he took a sip of his wine and took out a holo-chest piece that has a dragon symbol on it.

As he put it infront of another city that is several thousands of miles away from the destroyed city.

Y/N: now to deploy the Imperium Dragon Knights.


Y/N was still inside the meeting room along with the others.

It has been more than an hour now and they have mannage to reclaim over more than 85% of the lands.

And instead of the battle lasting for 3 hours it has decreased by several folds now.

And all seem to be working as planned right now almost 15% remaining lands they are need of reclaiming back.

Which will just last in just morf than 30 minutes from now added that the whole remaining lands that they need to reclaim is filled with dozens of mountains.

All of them have been continue on helping on clearing the main front.

The only problem they are facing right now is to past through the Azel Canyon.

Which is heavily defended by the remaining demons and undead.

With the numbers of demons and undead now reduce to nothing more than 25 billion left.

The only thing they have to worry is to reclaim the last heavily fortified city.

Near the coast of the Serpant Sea it is where massive merchant usually pass.

And also legends speak of an ancient Serpant living within the Serpant Sea.

Of course Y/N new legend in this world is here and he specifically ordered his navy to launch the Mega Shark Submarine they have.

Which is a huge shark the size of 2 Ford Class Aircraft Carrier.

The shark is equip with two 25 inch double-barrelled plasma Railguns each one of are attached to the side of the submarine shark.

And several missile pods at the top back of the shark the two fins of the shark are long and have energy blades.

Enough to be used to cut anything and aquatic creatures are not that hard to deal with.

Thanks to the 42th generation Megaladon Shark Mech the is created by Einz.

So the surrounding ocean within the Holy Roman Empire isn't a huge problem to them.

As they already have control over it the only exception is the occupied enemy waters.

As the Navy are now preparing go launch a huge assault at the demonic Navy deployed in the Serpant Sea.

The Azel Canyon and Serpant Sea AR two important key points.

Of which would ale to help them to be able to prevent ay of the traitor to escape.

They already deployed several anti-magic field that disable Rianna forces to even send any more reinforcement.

Thanks to it the time reclaiming the lost lands have become much more smoothly this time.

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