Chapter 143(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: so there was a traitor within the Empire Of Britain is there any other noble that join this noble named Daniel?

Y/N asked as they then stop infront of a chopper that will escort him and the girls to Camelot.

Macarov: yes but they somehow manage to escape and is now in the Moragan Empire.

Y/N:and what about this Noble named Daniel what happened to him?

Macarov: he is sentence to be publicly executed by tomorrow morning.


Y/N: a public execution tomorrow morning huh I have thought they ha e already expected him by now.

Y/N spoke as the door to the chopper opened up as he steps to the side.

Y/N: you girls go ahead first I need to talk with Macarov here for a few seconds.

Y/N said as the girls all nodded when they heard this.

Kunou: don't make us wait to long dad.

Kunou said as she first enter the ship while swaying her hips.

As Y/N could only chuckle at this as the girls followed Kunou behind while also swaying there hips.

To tease Y/N however Y/N have gone use to such things do to a certain iron blood ship wife of his.

That always teased him but in the end she would be the getting teased by her own words.

As they all then walk inside the chopper with only Y/N and Macarov outside.

The guards following them turn around as to give the two men have some important things to talk about.

Y/N turn to look at Macarov as he then inhaled a bit before exhaling.

Y/N: did anything went wrong after the meeting Macarov?

Y/N ask while looking at Macarov as he pulls out a piece of Neron berry to chew on.

Macarov: yes there has been an announcement of Lancelot and Grand Marshal Walter getting engage is that really true he is going to marry this girl Lancelot your Majesty?

Macarov asked as he has seen Walter never have any interest in woman before but now he finally find someone to have caught his attention.

Y/N: yes that is correct you could say the both met in love at first sight.

Y/N asked while chewing the berry insde his mouth.

Macarov: I see then it's a good news to hear should I announce this to the whole Empire?

Macarov asked as he is both happy and very well surpise to hear Walter finally getting married.

At first he has thought tha Walter was not interested in woman.

But he thought tha Walter is interested in men instead but he was wrong actually.

Walter just couldn't find the perfect woman for him but it seems coming to this world is a huge blessing for Walter.

And surely it will make a huge shock to the whole Celestial Empire.

Including the young maidens astht will surely be heart broken when they hear Walter is going to be married now.

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