Chapter 122(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

As the door of the dinning hall suddenly opened as it then reveal Rose.

With Walter who had a kiss mark on his neck with Lancelot who is holding onto his hand.

As she was blushing a bit and you could clearly see that the two of them did something really fun.

As Rose had a smirk on her face as she walk inside the dinning hall.

With Walter who usually have a emotionless look on his face all the time had a happy loom on his face.

As we could see both if them holding to each other hands as they enter the dinning hall.

As they enter the dining hall they saw Y/N feeding Fou as this surpised Rose and Lancelot.

While Warden was surprised to see a new creature that is being fed by Y/N.

Normally he wouldn't be surprised at this since he has seen Y/N feed various animals.

From a very cute white mouse to the mist ferocious lions and sharks.

But this was something he has never seen before as the creature befire him was Beast VII.

One if the seven Beast that guards the planet of Gaia.

He was surprised that the Beast was here in the palace as he could have sense it before it could even arrive at Eden.

But somehow it mannage go get here without being unnoticed.

Or it just came along with the repsentatuve of the Empire Of Britain who are currently eating.

With one of them being besides him and also his lover now.

As he just stole her Virginity a few minutes ago before Rose arrive at his room

They already have mannage to clean themselves before Rose could arrive.

Walter was surpised when he had interacted with Lancelot but when he show his true form.

He was surprised when Lancelot wasn't afraid of him and as more amaze when she saw his true form.

As this made him even more to fall  in love with Lancelot as the two of them interacted for a bit.

And get to know each other as he has learn that Lancelot has the same thing that has.

They were both feared by many due to what they truly are.

Lancelot was born as a demi human as she is a black wolf kind of demi human.

It was the fact about when she does her black ears and tell that her eyes change red.

Something that many people fear as those with red eyes are somehow feared by many people.

The only ones that aren't afraid of Lancelot is Artoria, Merlin, Morded, and the rest of the knights of the round table.

With the commoners and a few good nobles not fear her as they never believe that having red eyes is something to be afraid of.

However many of the nobles aren't very much like the others.

As they always have a disgusted look on there faces whenever they see Lancelot.

They believe that she is a demon in disguise hiding behind a woman body.

Which isn't true at all and the other thing is because they are complete racist they believe a demi human is completely disgusting.

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