Chapter 58

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting all of you please enjoy it.

As the simulation couldn't handle the immense blast that was created by the combined attack.

The whole simulation room was covered in smokes as they see Y/N slowly coming out of the smokes.

Y/N came out of the smoke as Yorktown and Enterprise widen at seeing Y/N still has no injuries on him.

Y/N:I gotta say that was one powerful attack you two have made.

Y/N said as he desummoned his weapons and walks towards the two.

Enterprise: we still couldn't mannage to even put a scratch on you.

Enterprise said sadly as she was about to turn around when Y/N grab hold of her left shoulder.

Y/N:actually you did Enterprise.

Y/N said making Enterprise turn back at Y/N.

Enterprise:wait really?

Y/N:well yes you did mannage to land a hit on me.

Y/N said as he showed a scratch on his left cheek.

Seeing this made Enterprise cheer as Yorktown was confuse as to why the sudden change of emotion on Enterprise.

Yorktown: wait what is going on?

Yorktown asked with a confuse look on her face.

Y/N:well you see I made a bet to Enterprise.

Yorktown: oh and what is this bet you have made with Enterprise?

Yorktown asked curiously and is wondering what this bet the two have made.

Y/N:well I said to Enterprise that if she even mannage to lay a scratch on me I would follow every order she wants.

Y/N said while Yorktown jaws dropped a this.

As she looks at Enterprise who is smiling like it's the best day of her life.

Which is actually is since she won tfere little beg.

Yorktown: your joking right?

Y/N:no I am not joking actually.

Y/N said as he unsummoned his riggings as it appeared back at the dock below the planet.

As he then turned around and walk towards the elevator.

Y/N:come on you to we still need to go back to base.

Y/N said as Enterprise follow him while Yorktown also soon followed.

While muttering of how lucky her sister is.

As they walk back up to the control room they could see everyone jaws hanging wide open.

Y/N:you all alright?

Y/N asked making the others snap out of there trance and look towards Y/N.

Cleveland: I can't even begin to describe how you mannage to survive that many attack from Enterprise.

Cleveland said as she faints and fall on the couch.

Denver: same here I can't even tell if your still a living being or I'm just seeing a ghost right now.

Y/N:I'm not a ghost Denver I'm still completely alive.

Hornet:hey how in the world did Enterprise and Yorktown do that?

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