Chapter 34

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A/N:hope you will all enjoy today's chapter.

They all soon went to sleep with Y/N as his room was renovated to be a bit bigger as they slept with him

Meanwhile in the Sakura Empire we could see Akagi standing on top of a roof top while looking up above the sky.

Akagi: soon wil be reunited....sister Amagi.

The sun was rising as everyone in Azur Lane as everyone in the base was waking up.

In Y/N room we could see the girls all sleeping peacefully while Y/N is in the shower.

The light of the sun woke the girls up and they looked around to find Y/N is gone.

Cleveland: wait where is big brother?

Cleveland ask the others as she rubbed her eyes before looking around the room.

Hornet:the shower is on he mus be in the bathroom.

Hornet said as they hear the sound of the shower running.

Soon the door to the bathroom opened and reveal Y/N walking out with a towel covering the lower part of his body leaving him half naked.

And making the girls blush upon seeing Y/N and some of them had a nosebleed on there nose.

Y/N:oh good morning girls it seems your all awake?

Y/N asked as he went to his changing room and put on his trench coat.

While the girls woke up from there trance state and began to stand out of the bed.

Y/N then walked out of the changing room wearing his trench and his rapier in the left side of his waist.

Y/N:I'll be in the mess hall if you need me.

Y/N said but before he leave the girls pulled him and gave him a kiss.

After a few minutes Y/N left as the girls went to there rooms to change there night clothes.

Meanwhile with Y/N we could see him walking through the hallways until he bump into someone.

Y/N looked to see who he bump into and it was none other than Warspite.

Y/N:oh didn't see you there are you alright Warspite?

Y/N said as he helps Warspite stands up from the floor.

Warspite: yes I am fine Y/N I wasn't looking were I was going.

Warspite said as she picks up her sword from the ground then she noticed the rapier on the left side of Y/N waist.

Warspite: ate you going to the training ground?

Warspite asked as Y/N shooked his head saying no.

Y/N:no I'm not going to the training ground I'm heading to the mess hall to eat.

Y/N said as he looked at Warspite with a smile.

Y/N:want to join me to eat?

Warspite: well I wouldn't mind her Majesty is still asleep.

Warspite said as she and Y/N head to the mess hall as soon they arrived and when they went inside.

The mess hall was full of new shipgirls talking to each other.

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