Chapter 80

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A/N:here is the battle you all been waiting for and I may have a surprise that I will show in the next chapter anyways enjoy today's chapter.

Akagi:I'm impress you mannage to beat them all Azur Lane.

They all turned around and look to see Akagi floating 700 away from them.

Monarch:Akagi just give up now your all alone and outnumbered.

Akagi:hahaha I'm not outnumbered Azur Lane I have brought some reinforcement with me so prepare for all of you shall be destroyed.

Akagi said as portals Gates opened and the Sakura Empire fleet all came coming out if it.

Essex:well we got company everyone.

Essex said as they all prepared themselves as the battle of Midway has truly begun.

Back at the Sakura Empire fleet that is now currently coming out of the portal gates.

All of them look around the Mirror Sea and then there attention went straight towards Azur Lane.

As they saw the fleet of Azur Lane looking at them with there riggings on.

Ise: so Azur Lane fleet are already here.

Battleship Ise said as she looks at the Azur fleet while holding what seems to be a spear with its tip looking like a sword.

Hyuga:let's get this battle over and grab a drink back at the base.

Battleship Hyuga said this time as she stretch herself as she ready to summon her riggings.

Meanwhile with the others we could see them all looking towards Azur Lane.

Shoukaku: it would seem Grey Ghost isn't here.

Shoukaku said as she Essex which I a surprise since she is one of the new Carriers builted by Eagle Union.

3 yeas ago before Y/N disappeared loo at her it would seems her riggings have been modified a bit.

Zuikaku: dang it and here I thought I could get a rematch with the Grey Ghost.

Zuikaku said as she grip the hilt of her katana tightly.

Back with Akagi we could see her smiling menacingly even more as she look at Azur Lane.

Akagi:now then how about we start this fight then.

Akagi said as she pulls out several red paper cross from her kimono.

Back a Azur Lane they aimed there cannons at the Sakura Empire fleet.

KGV: everyone fire!

KGV shouted as she fired her cannons which was just normal HE shells.

As the others all nodded at this ad they open fired as the Sakura Empire fleet summoned there riggings and opened fire back.

As the battle begun we could see Essex summoning her new planes with a grin on her face.

She launched it and several F-22 fighters came coming flying out of her riggings.

As she jumps onto one of the fighter planes and flew up to the sky.

Kaga and the other carriers of the Sakura Empire fleet when tht saw the fighter jets.

Kaga:a new type of planes huh....that doesn't matter I'm gonna enjoy destroying you.

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