Chapter 19

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A/N:here the new chapter hope you all enjoy


Warden:Lord Y/N I have scanned the whole base and I am detecting a Siren that is above high-class level should I proceed to engage it.

Warden said to Y/N.

Y/N:do not engage yet Edinburgh and Sheffield are still in there wait to attack after they leave.

Warden:understood my lord.

(3rd POV)

Somewhere in the Sakura empire inside of a training ground we could see Takao standing in the middle of the training ground with her eyes close.

While breathing calmly as she was waiting for something Sakura leaves fall from the trees as a small wind blew them away.

As a Sakura leaf fall infront of Takao she opened her eyes and immediately unsheathed her katana striking the leaf as it was cut in half.


The sounds of clapping caught Takao attention as she search for the source an turn around and saw a bandaged Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: you pretty good on using your sword Takao.

Zuikaku commented with a smile on her face to even though her face is covered with bandages.

Takao:Zuikaku! Your back what has happened to you?

Takao ask in shock seeing Zuikaku being wrapped in bandage.

Zuikaku:yeah but the mission was a failure and I don't think I did well.

Zuikaku said sadly remembering of how she was defeated by Warden who block her attack from killing Enterprise.

Takao:I see well then follow.

Zuikaku:wait where are we going.

Zuikaku asked as she followed Takao.

Takao:you'll know when we get there.

Both walk through a bamboo forest and then went through a small pond which has some stairs made of stone as both walk up and arrive atop a hill.

They could see almost of Sakura Empire from above.

Zuikaku: I didn't stand a chance against Grey Ghost.

Takao turned her head looked at Zuikaku seeing that she is troubled on something.

Zuikaku: I wasn't strong enough to even defeat that monster I can't stay like this anymore.

Zuikaku said while clenching her hands into a fist.

Zuikaku: if I don't become stronger.... I won't be able to protect Shoukaku and the others in a battle.

But Takao walk near her and slap Zuikaku back a bit hard as the girl yelp in pain.

Zuikaku: hey what's was that for!

Zuikaku complained while trying to ease the pain on her back.

Takao:oh....I'm sorry I may have slap your back to hard.

Zuikaku just grumbled at this and looked away.

Takao:you must not take on evey burden on should also rely on us as well at least a little bit.

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