Chapter 149(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: you lips taste like sweet honey.

Y/N said as this made Artoria blush deep red before being pulled by Y/N as she snuggle at his chest.

Artoria: I love you Y/N.

Artoria said as Y/N smiled at this as he carrass her hair.

Y/N: I love you too Artoria.

Y/N said as Artoria smiled happily at this as she continue to snuggle on Y/N chest.

The two where having there very own happy moments that is until the boy inside the Infirmary started to show sign of waking up.

As this made the doctors all to eyeswiden at this as Merlin went outside.

As she see Y/N and Artoria hugging each other but she cant help to be jealous a bit.

But remembering the reason why she came out she immediately composed herself as she cough.

Making the two wo where still hugging each two snap out of there happy moment.

As the two turned to look at Merlin who is looking at them with a grin on her face.

Merlin: oh my not only Mordred has fallen for Y/N but her mother as well just like they say like mother like daughter.

Merlin said with a teasing grin as this cause Artoria to blush like a tomato as she hid herself on Y/N chest.

Y/N: very funny Merlin but stop teasing Artoria.

Y/N said as Merlin could only giggle at this on seeing Artoria blushing face.

Merlin expression change as she looks at the two with a serious look on her face.

Merlin: anyways the boy.

Merlin said as this made the two look at her.

Y/N: what something happened to the boy?

Y/N asked as Artoria had a worried look on her face

Merlin shook her head at this as she then spoke back.

Merlin: the boy is starting to wake up.

Merlin said while gesturing to the windwo infront of them and show the boy is starting to wake up.

This immediately made the two follow Merlin as they went inside to check the boy.

Meanwhile inside the Infirmary several doctors and nurses are making sure the boy is fine.

The boys eyes slowly opened as he then see her surroundings different.

Then he saw the doctors and nurses surrounding him as this made him panick.

As fear the stated to form inside him as he try to stand up from the bed.

Gudako: no please don't kill me!!!

Gudako said as he try to stand up from the bed but couldn't as his boy is still exhausted.

Doctor 1: little boy calm down you are safe we are not going to hurt you.

One of the doctor said as he try to calm Gudako down but only for the boy to step back and bumb back on the bed

Gudako: not get away from me don't come any closer or else I'm going to use this.

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