Chapter 28

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A/N:alright here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you shall all enjoy.

Y/N then went inside the ship and head to the command bridge of the ship.

Y/N:all Atomic bombs are ready to be launched let's make Sakura Empire and Ironblood be the subject to test my new Bomb then.

Y/N said as the ships engine turn on and soon the others all went to there ship and began to leave to save there friends.

Somewhere in the Pacific we could see a ruined city and several Siren ships are surrounding it.

Sakure Empire have sent some of its forces to  hunt down Sheffield,Edinburgh, and Akashi who are inside the island.

And luckily a mist is hiding the three preventing Sakura Empire to find them easily.

Two fighter planes were passing scouting the destroyed city.

Below the city we could Sheffield hiding in a corner until the enemy planes were gone she began to move and head towards a broken clock tower.

Inside the clock tower we could see Sheffield and Akashi inside the tower as Akashi tried to poke the black mental cube they have stolen.

Akashi: Hmm....this is a mystery nya?

Akashi said as she pulled her hand away from the black mental cube.

Edinburgh: are you sure you don't know anything about it.

Edinburgh asked as she carries a tray of tea snacks that she made.

Edinburgh: after all this is Sakura Empire secret weapon.

Akashi:I'm just a repair ship I don't know anything about thing like this, Akagi and Kaga are always secretive so only few knows about it nya.

Akashi said as she remembered when Obsever gave the black mental cube to Akagi as it caused the girl legs to shake.

Akashi:who knew they secretly get it from the Sirens nya.

Akashi said in fear as she lay on the floor and curl up into a ball.

Akashi:this must be a serieously bad  stuff nya. I'm scared.....waaaaaaaah!!!

Akashi said before crying and suddenly Sheffield suddenly arrived backed.

Edinburgh: Sheffield welcome back, how is was it?

Edinburgh asked before putting the tray of tea into the table.

Sheffield: not good it's seems they have surrounded the whole island they have scout planes monitoring over the island

Edinburgh: what are we going to do now?

Sheffield: the situation is dire the base already knows about are situation we will have to wait for reinforcement to arrive and save us.

Sheffield said as she looked at the black mental cube.

Sheffield:this is like the Wisdom Cube but different.

Sheffield then looked towards Akashi who is still curl up in a ball crying.

Sheffield: do you know anything about this?

Akashi:no I dont but other than the fact that this came from a Siren nya.

Akashi said as she continue to curl up in a ball as Sheffield side while Edinburgh was scared because they were completely surrounded.

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