Chapter 140(Special Event:Whem Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.


Mordred: yeah she has been a good friend of mine since I was a kid.

Mordred said as Rise then stop as she then had a serious face making Mordred look back at her.

But seeing the serious look on her face Mordred knew what is happening.

As if on cue several group of men that look like gangster block there path.

As the two see the group of gangster looming at them in lust as this made the two look at them in disgust.

While the Lunar Spider on Rose shoulder growled on seeing the group of gangster.


Rose narrowed her eyes when she saw the group of gangster.

From just the look of it they aren't just any regular gangster that anyone could normally see.

Rose having lots of experience in her entire life could cleanly see that they are well experienced men.

But that doesn't mean she can't beat all of them.

She can handle in just a snap if his finger to her tht are merely a bunch of newbies.

However Mordred might have a hard time on fighting all of them at once.

Mordred is still young and still have to to learn more about swordsmanship.

To the Empire Of Britain she could be considered the only few tha can challenge Artoria.

And would end up in a tie with each other.

But to Rose she see Mordred having still more things to learn about the way of a knight.

And how to increase her skill with her sword.

A true master of a sword could understand what the word of becoming one with the sword.

Which tells of you accepting the sword as a part of you not as a tool.

Bit it's rare to see anyone even be able to see there own sword as a part of them.

Rose in terms of using a sword she is only rank 4 in the Celestial Empire.

The reason would be that she mos focus on using a spear than a sword.

Making her the second well most strongest spear user in the Empire.

If you might ask who is the first rank well you already knows who it is.

As you have read about him in the story for more than several times now.

Rose prepared to summon her spear as she look the group of men disguising themselves as gangsters.

She could see the hidden weapons on there clothing.

She look at Mordred and use her physcic powers to communicated through Mordred head.

Rose:'Mordred becareful they are not normally gangster'.

Rose said as this made Mordred surpise when she heard Rose speaking on her head.

Mordred:'wait are you using telepathy Rose'?

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