Chapter 152(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

As the nobles behind them all mutter to themselves of something.

Rose: huh it seem that they are fighting.

Rose said as she pass through the nobles as he then froze at what she saw.

Walter: what seem to be wrong Rose looks like you saw a gho-.

Walter couldn't finnish speaking as he froze when he suddenly look to what Rose was seeing.

As this made Y/N raise his eyebrows as he walk towards them.

Rose and Walter both froze like statue the moment they look at what is happening.

Making Y/N wonder why the both of them suddenly froze.

Y/N: what seem to be the matter?

Y/N asked as he past through the tw of them and look to see what is the commotion.

As soon as he look he froze just like the other two as his eyeswiden of what he is seeing.

????: you brat look what you have done to my daughter dress!

A woman said as she was pulling Gudako hair as Y/N see his son being pulled by the woman.

Gudako: I am sorry I didn't mean it please stop pulling my hair it hurts!

Gudako said while crying in tears as the other nobles could only look in pity at the boy.

Several of the other nobles who were mother's were furious on seeing Gudako being hurt by the woman.

????: don't think apologizimg could fix the mess you have made to my daughter dress!

The woman angrily said as she pulled Gudako hair harder than before.

As this made Gudako to cry even more in pain.

As the daughter of the woman is being consoled by several young boys.

As they all glare at Gudako thinking that he has hurt the girls who is fake crying.

And has a small smirk on her face as she hides it.

While looking at Gudako who was in pain.

Jalter: what is happening Y/N?

Jalter asked but soon she froze when she saw Gudako being pulled by the woman

As the others all soon followed and they all also froze in shock at what they are seeing.

Noble 1: poor child he had to be another victim to Perin Family.

One noble said as he look at Gudako in pity as the other nobles all know how powerful the Perin Family is.

As they are the family that is second to the Arch Duke and Royalty.

????: you are going to pay for ruining my daughters dress.

The woman said as Gudako closed her  eyes when he saw the woman raising her arm preparing to slap Gudako.

Gudako: Papa please help me.

Gudako whispered as he wait for the woman to slap her.

But soon he heard the sound of a sword being pulled out off its sheath.

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