Chapter 99(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.
And Tyler came out of the door where the crew took the man in.

As they now we're carrying Dezirem who is unconscious as the Sentinel Knights step away from the door.

As they nod at the Knight captain before letting them in.


Back with Rose and the others a few minutes before the knights all brought Dezirem to them.

Rose was seen calmly taking a sip from her cup of tea as she talks with Mordred and the others.

During there talk she has gain some valuable information about what is happening between the two nation.

There were other nation as well such as the French Empire which is second to the two powerful nation in terms of army.

But are the number one in terms of naval power with ships numbering over 10000.

The Empire Of Britain is second along with the Moragan Empire.

With both nation having ships numbering over 8000-9000.

The other reason is that the French Empire is ahead of them in terms of technology.

Due to the French Empire having 200 metal ships called ironclads.

It is the reason why Moragan Empire haven't conquered this nation and is also an ally to the Empire Of Britain.

There is another Empire that rivals the French which was the Japanese Version of this world Empire

The Shogun Empire a nation with the most strongest soldiers and are well advance in terms of weapons as well.

But is behind in economy due to the fact that the Empire is a bunch of scattered islands.

With the largest being the same size like as Egypt the nation numbers of islands is approximately 25,539.

With over 500 of the largest islands being built as city and dozens of shipyard.

Trading is common within the Shogun Empire apparently this is ruled by Beast man.

While the French Empire is ruled by elves there ruler is Empress Jalter D'Arc.

While the Shogun Empire is ruled by a nine tailed fox named Tamano who is said to be the reincarnation of a goddess.

Surprisingly the two  nation have a friendly relationship with each other neither side ever even declared on each other.

The more interesting thing about the two nation is there history as the founders of the two nations where actually siblings.

One was an elf and the other was a nine tailed fox the two siblings have different mother's but has the same father.

The relationship between this two siblings is very great in the history it is said that the two wanted to build a nation of there own.

And surprisingly they did manage to build one it is no surprise to why the two nation didn't fight each other.

As the two nation where actually descendants to two siblings that founded it.

The two nation are neutral to the war that is happening between the Empire Of Britain.

As they didn't want to join the war between two sisters that hate each other.

Or more specifically they wouldn't want to go to war and fight the annoying Empress of the Moragan Empire.

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