Chapter 20

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A/N:hope you all enjoy today's chapter.

Akashi: hey don't leave me behind Nya.

Edinburgh: then why are you following us?

Akashi:they could have killed me! Silenced! Dead cat tell no tales Nya.

Akashi said as tears fall of her face.

Kaga:stop right there intruder!

Edinburgh:Eeek! They have found us!

Kaga was about to launch her planes when bombs suddenly exploded infront of her.



Kaga was blown away by the explosion as she was sent straight to a house.

Edinburgh: what was that?!

Edinburgh asked but the they saw 4 advance planes above that has the insignia of Y/N fleet on it.

Sheffield: Lord Nexus must have been informed that we have went undercover in the Sakura Empire.

Sheffield said as she run towards the waters as Edinburgh followed her behind.

Akashi:Lord Ethereal is back Nya.

Akashi said in shock she has studied about how they came to existence unlike the others in the Sakura Empire who doesn't even read a book about there history.

She has learned that they cameto existence when a mysterious man that came from the stars helped humanity.

When the Sirens came and invaded earth ships from the sky came and began destroying and repelling the Sirens and never returned for the next two years.

She learned about Y/N and how powerful he was he once fought against a huge fleet of 5000 high-class Siren and he completely destroyed them in just 5 seconds and not even getting a scratch.

He capabilities were beyond any ship capable of doing having his defence,offensive,AA defense, Evasion, and Aviation at +SSS level which no ship has such capabilities.

She also heard of how capable he is on creating production model ships that could kill a high-class Siren in mere seconds.

She was completely amazed of who he is but as like others she couldn't find out how he disappeared only hearing he went to help another world that is at war.

Edinburgh:yes he did you knew about him to?

Akashi: yes of course I'm his number one fan I am always want to meet him when I was created Nya.

Akashi said with stars in her eyes.

Sheffield:enough talking for now we have to get out of here while they are distracted.

Sheffield said as she jump into the water and summoned her riggings as Edinburgh also followed and summoned her riggings.

Meanwhile in the Sakura Empire everyone is panicking around as bombs were falling from the sky yet they cannot see any enemy planes.

If they only knew that Nexus bomber drones have stealth capabilities that makes them unable to see the planes.

A bomb suddenly fell towards the giant Sakura Tree but was intercepted by Nagato.

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