Chapter 171(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

There two soul could be seen glowing I'm there chest one was red and the other is blue.

Y/N/Nero: then by both our powers we will forever be bound to each other for better or for worst and not even death will seperate us apart we hereby announce us both to be together forever.

The both said and as they were about to kiss each other an arrow made of flames was flying towards them.


Several meters before the arrow could hit the two of them.

Y/N Imperial Eagle Form activated immediately sending out his 6 wings to protect the two of them.

And at the same making the flaming arrow to bounce up instead of hitting them.

As Y/N wings mannage to protect the two from getting hit by the flaming arrow.

Nero who suddenly stop when she heard the sound of explosion from above them.

And she look up to see red flames spreading everywhere from above.

Nero: Y/N what's going on?

Nero asked they were in the final stage of the ritual when someone stop them.

Much to Nero dismay as she had a unhappy look on her face right now.

Y/N: perhaps we could do this later we have company.

Y/N said as he narrows his eyes as he look inftont of them.

Since it was dark Nero couldn't see anything except for Y/N who could see through the dark.

Y/N left eye glow blue with the appearance of a white moon on  the middle of his eyes.

As the moon above them suddenly glows very bright and the surrounding below the moon could be seen.

Thanks to the light from the moon Nero could now see clearly.

As her eyes narrow when she saw several men wearing mask to cover there faces.

But she could clearly see that all of the men are wearing holy roman soldier clothing.

the only difference is that they are carrying weapons that are made of nether.

Nero: who are you all to disturb us are you in league with Rianna forces?!

Nero asked with a furious look on her face as Y/N hold onto her tightly.

Welton: they would be my mine my dear Nero.

Welton who appeared behind the group of men.

As this made Nero angru when she saw him walking towards them.

As he had a disgusted smile on his face that almost made Nero puke on seeing it.

Nero: Welton you traitor I knew u couldn't trust you.

Nero said with a very angry look on her face that could make an ice melt instantly.

Welton: I'm merely doing this go make you mine Nero not this outsider.

Welton said with an arrogant tone to his voice.

Nero: like hell will I ever accept someone like you I am already have Y/N.

Nero said as Welton had a grim look on his face when he heard this.

As he stop several meters away from the two and chuckle coldly.

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