Chapter 74

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A/N:here is the battle you really all been waiting hope you all enjoy and almost forgot the voting has ended yesterday and the results are in.

A:Date A Live=17 votes*lose*

B:Arpeggio Of Blue Steel=6 votes*lose*

C:Gate:Thus The JSDF Fought=18 votes*winner*

So the Gate has won and the special chapter will be given after the battle of Midway so please all of you enjoy today's chapter.

Akagi then appears and step onto the water as she then spread her hands.

Akagi:Heavenly wind, stop the passage within the clouds, the heavenly maidens....must remain on earth.

Akagi said as her whole surrounding glowed red.

Meanwhile back with  Azur Lane lightning suddenly surrounds the fleet as light enevelop there surrounding they close there eyes.

A few minutes before this happened with the second fleet in Yorktown ship.

We could see the system blaring crazily as the AI of the ship spoke.

AI:Warning Class F Mirror Sea have been detected prepare for the Mirror Sea activation.

The AI said as Yorktown became tense when she heard this.

One thing for sure what ever this Mirror Sea is must be dangerous if she is being warned.

She immediately contacted the others about this as she heads to the console.

The console activated and the Holo-Computer showed the others.

Yorktown: Everyone are you reading this?!

Yorktown ask while looking at the massive spike of energy that is slowly gathering in the middle of Midway.

Enterprise: were reading massive energy spikes down below us.

Enterprise said as she has a serious look on her face.

The Sirens are here this means Sakura Empire has also arrive this is going to be one tough battle they going to face.

Hornet:my console is warning us of a Mirror Sea appearing what the heck even is that?

Hornet asked this time as she was confuse what a Mirror Sea is.

Edinburgh: I think I know.

Edinburgh is the one who said this time making everyone look towards her.

Queen Elizabeth: what do you know of the Mirror Sea, Edinburgh?

Queen Elizabeth asked this time as the others also asked her.

Edinburgh: during are stay back at planet Avalon I have been reading on one of Lord Y/N library data searching information about the Sirens.

Wales:what information have you found about the Mirror Sea?

Edinburgh then press her console as it showed what a mirror Sea is.

Various appearance of the Mirror Sea can be seen.

Edinburgh: it's jus like the simulation room that we all went but this one is different.

Warspite: what do you mean different?

Edinburgh: it looks like it sends us to another dimension an artificial one.

Yorktown: so it's a real world but different?

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