Chapter 168(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for and only 12 more chapter to go before the special event ends.

Y/N: well I sure did I needed Jalter help as she is good at making one.

Y/N said as he hands it over to Nero as she took it and put it on.

Nero:so ho do I look?

Nero asked as she showed her dress and added with her wearing the mask.

Only made her beauty more mysterious and beautiful at the same time.


Y/N for the first time in several times of his life he never felt attracted to anyone.

Apart from Enterprise when the moment he came back.

He was completely entrance by his own sister and now wife.

He couldn't possibly even comprehend how much he feels for Enterprise and when he did.

The feeling he hid deeply in his heart bloom like a Infinite flowers across creation itself.

Right now though he is feeling the same thing as to when I first reunited with Enterprise.

As if there souls have met each other before he couldn't even describe of how beautiful Nero was.

He was completely speechless and don't know how to react of this.

As he held his breath and continue to look at Nero wearing the dress already made her dazzling.

But now wearing that mask just made her so mysterious as it feels like Y/N is looking through a pair.

Of endless rose in the field and see a woman in red standing in the middle with a man kneeling infront of the woman itself.

He could feel tha it was really but that vision disappeared the moment he saw the two kids each other.

And he came back to reality and see Nero having a worried look on her face.

Nero: what's wrong does it not look good on me?

Nero asked with a slight sad look on her face.

But the next thing she knew she was pulled into and embrace and a lip was now kissing her.

As this completely stun Nero a bit but soon fell into it.

As she kiss Y/N back the two seem to forget Maria who is holding her mouth at what she is seeing right now.

Is as two gods where standing infront if her and having a moment.

She couldn't help but silently squeal at this and took out a camera given to her by Da Vinci.

As she silently picture the two having a moment of there own.

And to make sure she doesn't disturb such moment between the two.

After its a once a life time opportunity to see such thing.

Meanwhile back at the two Nero is completely lost on seeing the red pare of Crimson eyes.

The is looking at her it feels like she is looking into an endless crimson abyss tha is about devour her whole being.

Even she could feel her own soul burning like it is being pulled towards the crimson abyss she is seeing right now.

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