Chapter 25

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A/N:and were now back to the story I will make the new special chapter when the story reach 40k views which will take a very long time but it will also give me time to make it.

Y/N:I am not wrong commander, what I saw is a girl that has been tormented by her own maker for her whole life.

Y/N said as she look towards Tester who is still unconscious and seem to be sleeping well for her first time.

And luckily the collar that was on her neck has now been removed.

Y/N:and I'm going to free the rest of her kind no matter what it takes commander.

Y/N said as we could the flames of vengeance racing within his eyes.

Y/N:we have a new enemy to face.

Alice:and who might that be?

Y/N:there Creator.

A few hours earlier

In Azur Lane we could see everyone minding there own business and in the beach we could see Y/N sitting on a chair wearing only some short as his upper body is revealed to everyone and revealing his 6 packed abs.

As several of the girls were drooling at this even the ever so calm Belfast and Warspite was drooling.

Y/N:now this is quite relaxing.

Y/N said as he took a glass of lemonade from the table and took a sip from it.

Y/N:wonder were the girls are?

Y/N asked himself as he look at the water and see the destroyer playing along with Unicorn.

Meanwhile with the girls they are in a dressing room trying to find a suitable swimsuit to wear.

Hornet:hey sis do you think big brother will like this?

Hornet ask as she shows her swimsuit to Yorktown who was changing also.

Yorktown:oh don't worry about it Hornet he will definitely like it.

Yorktown send as she was changing at the left changing room where Hornet is.


Enterprise: yeah I'm sure of it.

Enterprise said as she was in the right changing room of Hornet who was also changing.

Athena: well you better hurry changing girls.

Hornet:why is that?

Sol:oh I don't other than the fact that Y/N is on the beach also.

This statement caused the girls to immediately hurry themselves on getting dressed.

Sol:hey do you think this plan of yours will work Athena?

Athena: of course it will we did have fun when we were still in the UNSC and I couldn't even walk for the next few days.

Hearing made the three carriers blush as Hornet suddenly had a small nose bleed.

While Yorktown grew a perverted smile on her face as she has also a nosebleed.

While Enterprise her face looks like a tomato and smokes could be seen coming out of her ears.

Aether:I guess your right about that.

Aether said as she has finnish changing and the other girls soon followed.

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