Chapter 98(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for I am a bit surprised that I mannage to create this many chapters and sometimes I would want to discontinue it but seeing you all really like to read the story I decided to not to discontinue and jus continue writing until i finnish the story anyways I have talked long enough all of you just read ad enjoy today's chapter.
The three shivered in fear knowing what fate Morgana will have.

They kinda pity her a bit for how she is unlucky she is right now for entering her army into the Gate.

Now they just made with the most mightiest Empire in all of creation.

Rose:now then as we wait for this prisoner of ours to arrive how about we have a small chat.

Rose asked with a smile on her face as she look at the three.

Meanwhile in the lowest part if the ship in which where prisoners are being put on.

There was particularly one pirate in the last cell bars that is very far away from the entrance.

The light of the fire could barely make anything visible to that part of the ship.

The sound of woods creaking as the ships sway side ways slowly but still would have give anyone the creeps.

It's like your in an old abandoned dungeon were you might be devoured by creature of unknown horror.

Several small cracks in the wooden planks of the ships could be seen water leaking into the ship.

But there were smaller holes that let the water come out of the ship and spray back to the water below.

The sounds of only the waves outside the ship and the continues creaking sound would frighten anyone who would stay there for too long.

One could say it was like your inside a horror movie.

Where you get lost in some dark creepy old destroyed place where unknown Eldritch horrors would come and devour you.

And would use you as an entertainment for the to torture.

Well not for the man inside on the said cell barred prison he is currently in.

Tied by two chains to the wall splashes of water would spray on the man yet it didn't even made him awake.

Even with the puddle of water tha is surrounding him and dead mouses and cockroaches floating on the puddle of water.

The foul stench within this place could have made anyone scream in agony from not being able to resist the foul stench of rotten flesh.

There could even be possibly bacteria and unknown organism that could infect onto a human.

The man tied to the wall wearing only nothing but white cloth with chains rap around his arms and legs.

The was Dezirem himself or what he used to be.

His eyes show nothing more than fear, terror and despair.

His pride being broken as it was his first time being defeated by the terrifying metal Beast he has saw.

The one that destroyed his most prized sword that broke in half by the beam of death from the Metal Beast mouth.

He was not the same fearsome pirate he was after witnessing the power of the metal beast.

He was completely broken beyond repair his mind had nothing more than to wish of dying.

His pride fleet destroyed in mere minutes without even barely putting up a fight.

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