Chapter 86

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all will enjoy

Making her dead now as the Siren fall to the rock and let go at the two energy blades it was holding.

And her eyes were completely destroyed by the immense electrocution.

As it now look like black charcoal with yellow blood flowing out of it.

Belfast then turned around to go and immediately left and went to find and help the others.

And beam hit the sky as the whole Mirror began to shake and something terrible is going to happen.

The whole Mirror Sea suddenly started to change as everyone was looking around wondering what is happening.

With the Azur Lane fleet we could see them all stopping ther fight against the remaining HS as they all look around and look to see the Mirror Sea changing.

Cleveland: wait what is going on?

Cleveland ask as she then contacted the other and ask the others.

Denver:sis I don't like what is currently happening.

Denver said as she then jumps out if the pillar she was standing on.

As the pillar suddenly sank down into the bottom of the water below.

Wales:what is happening to the Mirror Sea?

Wales asked to the comm's as she sail along with Illustrious to find the others.

Sol:the Mirror Sea is changing.

Sol said as she then look towards the first fleet and warned them about wha is currently happening.

Enterprise: what you mean changing?

Y/N:the Mirror Sea has become unstable and is now becoming an C Class level Mirror Sea.

Aether: Y/N is right everyone you all should brace for it.

Aether said and as if on cue a blinding light covered the view as some of them closed there eyes at this.

And several seconds later the light slowly dissipated as everyone open there eyes.

They all saw the Mirror Sea now different as everything is now field with icebergs.

And the temperature has dropped to several degrees.

Columbia: what the heck why are we in such cold place.

Columbia said as she was shaking a bit from the coldness.

Montpelier: this place I'm going to be frozen if we don't have something to wear.

Montpelier said as everyone then used there Light Energy/Darkmatter Manipulation powers to makes some winter coats to cover them.

The Eagle Union girls were all wearing trench coats that are made of pure light energy to keep them warm.

As the same could be said to the Royal Navy as they are now wearing Black and Purple trench coat made of darkmatter to keep them all warm.

Aether:this Mirror Sea is unstable.

Aether said as she see a rift opening a few meters away from her.

But luckily she was floating above the water to not get suck by the rifts.

Aether:everyone watch out for rift opening they are dangerous and don't get drag into it.

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