Chapter 177(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

And could only shake in fear after all he is facing an unkown person that seem to have a connection to the gaint monstrosity floating above.

Y/N:What you may asked? well let me think..........oh i know it's your life I am here take along with your men Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Y/N said as he laugh insanely and look at Malcon before lunging at him as he appeared at Malcon instantly.


Malcom wasn't prepared of what just happened right now he couldn't even possibly move due to fear.

As the man above him suddenly disappeared and before he could even react he appeared infront of him.

Y/M who appeared infront of Malcon immediately made his claws grab hold of his neck

As Malcon seem to come back to his senses and immediately pull out his axe.

And Y/N claws merely destroyed the axe upon contact of it

As this made it explode the moment Y/N claws have touch his axe.

This in exchange caused a massive explosion that blew Malcon away from the castle.

And into the streets of the city as he was sent tumbling to the ground.

The soldier were snap out of there thought when they saw Malcon on the ground.

All of them immidietly forgot the giant horror floating above them.

As they immidietly ran and went to help Malcon who is on the ground.

Malcon due to being sended by such force he spit out a small drop of blood out his mouth.

As he was lucky that the rest of the pact was all taken by his armor.

If he wasn't wearing any armor he would already have been dead by now.

The only thing he got was a broken bone to the right leg.

As off right now it was bleeding heavily and immediately this made him grit in pain.

As he put some pressure on it TP ease the pain on his right leg.

Malcon: don't you just all stand there attack that t-t-thing!!!

Malcon said in fear as he points up towards 666 who is still floating above them.

Soldier1: but general o don't think we could k-.


The soldier was cut off by Malcon who grab hold of the soldiers head.

And immediately smack it to the ground where the soldiers head was splattered.

The other soldier had a fearful expression on there faces when they saw this.

As Malcon glare at them and immediately spoke.

Malcon: do you all want to end up like him?!

Malcon asked while glaring at his men as they all shook there heads at this.

Malcon: good now he going and kill that thing before it even makes a move yet.

Malcon ordered as the soldiers all nodded at this.

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