Chapter 1 - The White Monster

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I have never published any of my work before. Since I'm my worst critic when it comes to my stories. But still. I do hope that you enjoy the story. Some of the story is inspired by various aspects of the FFXV Brotherhood series, the game play itself, as well as all the episodes. There will also be a bit of the Kingsglaive Movie mixed in it as well.

SPOILER ALERT: This story does contain spoilers from the mini anime series Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV that was released just before the video game. If you are planning on watching these, please don't read this story until you have watched all of the episodes that lead us up to one of the greatest games of all time.

I do not own any of the Final Fantasy XV Characters or any of the art work. Most of the pictures are from the various screenshots that were taken while playing the video game for the Playstation 4, the Windows 10 Royal Edition for PC, and from the the Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV anime series. All rights for these are owned by Square Enix and are only being used for entertainment purpose only. Please don't steal any of the work from this.


THE warm breeze blew through your hair as you looked out upon the hustle and bustle of Insomnia, the city that never sleeps. You could see the people driving their cars as they traveled to their various destinations. People could be heard talking to each other as they were strolling past as they headed through the busy streets. There was even the occasional hum of the underground trains rumbling under your feet as they transported people through their vast tunnels. There was nothing like the sounds of the city. And you loved every sight, sound, and smell. Well, maybe not every smell.

This day had found you relaxing at the city park reading your book in the comfort of the trees. The warm summer day was way too nice to spend inside. Which is why you decided to come to the park in the first place. This would be one of those days that would normally be rated as one of your favorite days, but you just couldn't help from getting distracted by the various people walking by and the children playing in the grass. The kids laughter carried to you as you watched them playing tag. They reminded you of the time that you use to spend playing with Prince Noctis after he would slip out the citadel.

You see when Prince Noctis was a child he wasn't allowed to play outside of the confines of the citadel walls. He would have to spend most of his time within the safety of the compound. He only came out when it was time to go to school or if there was a special event that was being held outside of the gates. So for him, the citadel at times seemed to be a cage that he was always trapped in. That was until he came to find a secret route that lead him out to a small park that was just outside of those walls.

The first time he found the route though was by pure accident. It happened when he had been following a stray cat that had wandering into the interior garden. And it was due to that cat that you got to meet the Prince for the first time.

********FLASH BACK********

Noctis was sitting at his desk in his room trying to finish his math assignment for his studies. He was swinging his legs back and forth as he was gloomily looking out of his balcony door at the beautiful three-story high, fully enclosed greenhouse. The greenhouse itself was attached to the back wall of the Citadel of Lucis, which sat in the heart of Insomnia. And was know as the beacon of hope for the whole kingdom. Because that was where the huge protection spell for the kingdom was generated by the King himself through the power of the Crystal, aka Stone of Legend.

But Noctis wasn't thinking about that as he longed to be laying in the shade of a tree while listening to the birds singing their various songs. The greenhouse always reminded him of the time that he use to spend in there with his mom. Because when they were in the garden, she would read him books about pirates and explorers, and their many adventures. He loved to act out the various parts while pretending to hunt for treasure.

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