Chapter 28 - Fireflies

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YOU could hear the birds singing in the trees as you approached the woods that were right beside the house. You looked up as you tried to catch a glimpse of them. But all you could make out was the occasional movement in the treetops. You smiled to yourself as you looked in front of yourself again. Then you glanced over at Noctis. He hadn't said anything since you had walked away from Ignis. He had kept his gaze down and was walking kind of slow.

"So where are we going?" You asked as you tried to break the silence.

Noctis glanced over at you for a moment with a straight face.  It was as if he was searching your face before he turned his gaze back down.

"To one of my favorite thinking spots." Noctis quietly said.

"Really?'' You asked as you fell in step with him. "All the way out here?"

Noctis nodded with a simple smile.

"Well this is the royal family's summer cottage after all.  And my parents use to bring me here all the time when I was younger so that we could spend a day or two outside of Insomnia.  There were even a couple full summers when I was really little." He said as he continued to walk.

"Wow.  That's cool.  But why out here?  Why not some place back inside the walls?"

""Well you see, my mom didn't really like the city. She preferred to be here and away form from everyone else. She use to say that she couldn't hear the world there.  What with the streets being as busy as they are around the citadel." Noctis continued as he glanced forward as if in a daze.

"She would spend all day outside in the sun. She hated being stuck inside of a building. She much preferred to be outside in an open field." Noctis said as he looked at you and gave you a weak smile.

"That's why there's a garden in the Citadel. My dad had it added for her so that she could be happy within the walls." Noctis said then he looked back down to the ground.

"You miss her a lot, don't you?" You said as you glanced at him.

"Everyday." Noctis quietly said.

You dropped your eyes as you felt your heart start to break for him as a few tears started to form.

"They say that it gets easier over time." You commented as you kept walking as you fought back the tears.

"Yeah." Noctis replied. "That's what they say."

"I personally think that anyone who says that, hasn't lost very close family member. And has no clue how much it hurts." You said as you kept looking down. "If they did, then they wouldn't be saying that at all."

Noctis looked over at you with a curious look. "What do you mean?" Noctis asked.

"Well,..." You started to say as you raised your eyes.

But then you stopped in your tracks when you saw a pond come into view. Then you turned and looked at Noctis.

"Oh my six Noct. Is this the place?" You asked as you looked into Noctis' bright blue eyes.

Noctis simply nodded back at you. You grinned back, then you broke into a jog. Noctis smiled and did the same. Then you laughed as you broke into a run.

You ran down the dirt trail that led up to a hidden pond. You stopped when you reached the waters edge. You glanced around the pond and saw that one side had a high rock cliff overlooked the water as trees lined the outside of the pond. They seemed to be keeping this place secret as well as cool compared to the field that you were just in.

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