Chapter 36 - Diving Challenges

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You finally touched that wall after the 1,000yrd cool down. You took off your swim cap and goggles. Then you closed your eyes and slumped up against the wall as you tried to catch your breath. You felt completely wiped out. Practice had seemed to be a lot harder that day then usual. You could already feel the pain in your muscles from the amount of laps that the coaches had you doing that day. Sure you understood that districts was coming up, but you were still recovering from the flu.

"How you feeling?" You heard a voice say from the pool deck.

You turned around and looked up at the deck. That was when you noticed the female coach smiling back at you. She was giving you a concerned smile as she bent down to talk to you. You smiled back at her. So far she was one of your favorite coaches. She could always tell when something was off.

"Just feeling a bit more worn out then usual." You quietly said as Ignis finished off his cool down.

"That's to be expected after being out like you were." She said to you as Ignis joined you.

"How about you Ignis? How you feeling?" She asked him as he looked almost as bad as you. "You had been hit pretty hard from that flu bug along with your injuries."

"It's nothing that I can't handle." He said as he gave her a slight smile.

"Now if you'll pardon me. I need to head to the boards." He said, then turned and climbed out of the pool.

"Tell Coach Rick to go easy on you today. We wouldn't want anything happening to you right now. Not this close to districts. And besides, you are still recovering." Coach Stacy called after Ignis as he walked over to the diving pool.

"Yes ma'am." He called back as he walked over to the diving coach who was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Stay in your lane Stacy." Rick called back over to her. "You already had your time with him. He's mine now ,for the next hour. And besides, I know what he can handle a lot better than you."

Stacy gave him a stern look. She knew that Rick had been Ignis' rec center coach since he bragged about him all the time. In fact, after Rick found out that Ignis was on this high school's dive team, he immediately hit up the head coach so that he could work for him and continue to train Ignis.

Talk about hookups. She thought as she watched Rick pat Ignis on the back as they walked over to the diving boards.

"I want you to watch Ignis." Stacy quietly said to you as she watched Rick talking to Ignis as he started to climb up onto the board.

"Why?" You asked.

Then you turned and watched Ignis stepped onto the board and pause for a moment. This wouldn't have raised any flags with anyone who wasn't familiar with his habits. But it did with you. You knew that he never paused while on the board. Not while stepping onto it that is. He would only pause right before his dives and that was so that he could concentrate. But even those didn't last as long, as he now stood there, as if frozen in place.

"Hey!" You heard Coach Rick call to him.

Ignis slightly jumped then turned and looked at him.

"You okay?" Rick asked Ignis as he tried to look at his face.

"My apologies." Ignis said before he turned and climbed back down and off of the board. "I need to check the board.

Then you watched in surprise as he walked along the board as he checked for any wet spots. Your mouth slightly fell open. He had never done that before. Was he too nervous to check it while standing on it? Just then Noctis came back up the wall as he finished off his cool down. He saw you standing there staring. So he moved over to you in the water as he watched you.

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