Chapter 67 - Rough Seas

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After the tour of the galley. You and Luna went back to your stateroom to wait for your dad. You were sure that you could have found his and meet him there. But you didn't want to be wake him up.

Instead the two of you hung out and talked about the schedule for both of you so far. Which was so far filled with you working in the kitchen to cook for everyone in the wardroom. Which luckily for you didn't consist of that many people. You had Alex and Bob. The Commanding Officer and Executive Officer.

Then there was Rick, who turned out to be the ship's Bos'n on board and was in charge of all the shipboard handling procedures for the entire ship. Then there was Mike, who was the Chief Engineer and he was in charge of the entire engineering department which included two engine and two auxiliary spaces. And of course there was doc who was in charge in the entire medical department. And last, but not least was Jeff, the supply officer. Who apparently was a very grumpy and picky eater when it came to his food.

You slight chuckled to yourself as you were reminded of another person who you knew that was a very picky eater. You couldn't help but to sigh as you thought about the guys back home. You hadn't been gone that long, but already you missed everyone back home. Especially Ignis. You had texted him when you were getting ready to leave Altissia. But you hadn't heard back from him.

You wanted to talk to Noctis as well. But after a bit of a heated argument between him and King Regis before you even left. It was decided that you would call him once you arrived in Tenebrae instead. Which hadn't calmed Noctis down any. But it had at least cooled his heels for a time.

Suddenly there was knock at the door. You both looked up and in walked a thin brunette with a huge smile. You and Luna both smiled back as she stepped into the room.

"Good morning your highness. I'm Jennifer. But you can call me Jen. I'm the HR Supervisor and the Public Relations official for this ship." She said as she bowed to Luna. "We're thrilled that your traveling with us."

"It's nice to meet you. And thank you for inviting us." Luna replied.

"Oh. That was all Bob's idea. I just made the arrangements." She beamed back. "He had heard about what you had done for a woman in town and wanted to help you out."

"Really? How did he hear about that?" You asked as you looked at her.

"Because she use to be on our ship. She was one of my HR Assistants as well as our old legal secretary." Jen said with a slight smile. "She had gotten really sick a few months ago and had to be taken off of the ship for treatment. All of the doctors did what they could for her. But it had progressed so quickly that there just wasn't anything left for them to do."

"We are very glad that we could help." Luna said back with smile.

"So you know her then." You said as you smiled at her.

"Yes." Jen said as she nodded to you. "Sara had been with us for several years. So she had become a big part of this ship."

Jen then dropped her head for a moment. "And to be honest, Bob wanted to help her as much as he could. He felt bad for how he had treated her for the first few years. But then again, she wasn't really who he wanted helping him out anymore. Not after....."

Then you watched her as she seemed to daze out for a moment as she became lost in thought. You weren't sure what it was about. But based on how she was reacting and by what she said, it had not only affected this Sara. But had also drastically affected her as well.

"Not after what?" You asked after a long pause, as you tried to see what it could be.

Jen then quickly looked up and gave you a puzzled look. "After?"

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