Chapter 82 - Welcome Home Committee

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After gathering up the mooring line. You started rolled it up on the deck as your dad started up the motor. Then after he had it started, he checked all of the instruments to make sure that the boat was still good. Then right as he finished up, you walked back into the bridge area.

"Ready?" He quietly asked you as he took a hold of the helm.

"Yeah." You said with a smile "Let's go home."

He then gave you a nod as he slightly smiled at you. Then he started to back up the boat. That was when you noticed someone running down the stairs at the far end of the docks. Your heart leaped as you realized that it was Tracy.

What the hell? Can't she take a hint. You thought as you gave her a stern look as she ran towards the pier.

But when you looked at you dad, it didn't look like he had seen her since he was paying attention to the boat as he watching the pier. And even when he cleared the pier and turned the boat to head out of the dock, he never once looked back at the pier. Instead he pushed the throttle forward and made the boat move forward and out of the docking area.

"Waaaaiii......." Was all you heard from her before she was drowned out by the sound of the engines as he pushed the boat forward faster and away from her.

You couldn't help but watch her as she ran to the end of the pier as she shouted at you. Only to stop at the end of the pier and stare at you as the boat sped away. Then you watched her fall to her knees as she realized that it was to late. You dropped your head as you turned back to look out the front of the boat. You couldn't help but to feel your heart break for her.

But then as you looked at your dad. And watched as a tear roll down his cheek before he pushed the boat harder as he started to fly around the bay as he headed for the front entryway. Your heart was breaking again as you looked at him. So you walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist. He slowly the boat a bit and wrapped one arm around your shoulders. Then he leaned down and kissed your head.

Then he did something that you weren't expecting. He moved you in front of him and placed both of your hands on the helm. You nervously wrapped your fingers around the wheel and glanced back at him. He gave you a half glance before he nodded towards the front of the boat.

You slightly smiled back at him before you looked forward again and started to carefully steer the boat towards the entryway as he released your left hand. He then moved your right hand over to the throttle and had you pull it down to dropped the speed down again as you started to get near the entryway. Then he completely released you and simply stood by you and watched. You couldn't help but to smile as you were finally driving the boat.

"Now keep watch on the boat and keep it steady as we're heading out. Don't go to fast and don't get near the sides." He said in your ear as you started through the gates.

"Right." You replied and slowed the boat down a tiche more then kept the boat in the center of the water lane as you steered the boat out of the entrance.

"  You replied and slowed the boat down a tiche more then kept the boat in the center of the water lane as you steered the boat out of the entrance

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