Chapter 21 - Jealous Friends

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DINNER that night was one of the best meals that you and your family had had in a long time. Everyone was laughing and talking about how well that the training had been going. Monica and you had been going rounds on various moves and were currently tied with takedowns. Your parents were surprised by how far you had gotten with some of it. Since they hadn't been to the practices, they weren't quite sure how it had been going.

Soon the conversations shifted and you found yourself talking with just Ignis and Noctis while your parents found themselves talking with King Regis and Ignis' uncle, Korn. Korn was telling them about the various drills that you had been going through since you started working with him. He even mentioned to your parents about starting the classroom studies once the swim season was over. Your parents seemed very interested in that part.

"Your parents seem to be getting along well with my dad." Noctis pointed out as he watched his dad laughing and smiling while they all talked.

"Yeah." You replied as you smiled at them.

"They usually get along well with everyone that they meet. They told me once that that was why they work where they do. You see both of my parents work for the city. My mom works at the Human Resources Office and my dad is one of the Private Investigators that works for the City Police Department.

"They both work very close to the Citadel building and have had to even come in for various meetings and conventions. But most of the time they are at their buildings that are just outside for the walls. That is how we found out about the park." You said as you smiled back at your two friends.

"That make sense now." Noctis commented as he looked from them back to you. "I was wondering how you found out about that park. Usually only those who live near it, know about it. But I suppose working near it counts as well."

"But only if your paying attention." Ignis added. "Most people would just drive by it and not even think to stop by or visit it."

"Very true. They first took me there because I wanted to fly a kite. The park near my house isn't big enough to have a field large enough to get the air lift you need for a kite." You thought as you looked down. "Plus the park by my house only has a small playground and it is full of trees. It's pretty, don't get me wrong. But even all the neighborhood kids know not to go there at night."

"And why is that?" Noctis asked.

"The park is a known hangout for a neighborhood gang. They take it over at night and will threaten anyone who goes near it after sunset." You sadly replied. "During the day they don't care. But that's probably because they are sleeping off their liquor and drugs from the night before."

"Gangs?" Noctis said out of shock. "I had no idea that we even had any gangs or drugs around the city."

You slowly looked up at him. "There are a lot of things that go on in the city that you have no idea about." You sadly replied.

Then you looked away again. "Sometimes I wish that I didn't know about them."

"So who's interested in desert?" King Regis announced loud enough for everyone to hear.

"So who's interested in desert?" King Regis announced loud enough for everyone to hear

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