Chapter 113 - Name Change

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"I'm really glad that you got to come." You said to Ignis as the two of you walked to the back gate so that he could head back to the hotel with his uncle.

"So am I." He replied as he slightly squeezed your hand. "And just in time to see you get your boating license to."

"Yeah."  You beamed at the ground before you looked back up at him.  "How mad was Noctis?"

"Well....."  Ignis started to say before your felt you phone going off in your pocket.

You reached in and grabbed your phone only to see that it was Noctis calling.  "Well, speak of the devil."

You then answered the phone.  "Hey Noct.  How are you?"

"I would be better if I was there with you."  You heard him say in a slightly upset tone.

"Well someone is.  Plus your only a call away."  You said as you smiled.

"That statement from anyone else, would have been really cheesy."  Noctis replied.  "And it would have pissed me off.  But that's neither here nor there.  And you said someone was there?  I take it that Korn and Ignis caught up with you already."

"They did."  You replied as you looked at Ignis.  "In fact Ignis is standing right beside me?  Did you want to say hi?"

"No that's fine.  I'll talk to him later."  Noctis said in a low growl before he lightened back up again.  "How was court today?  I heard your dad had to take the stand."

"He did."  You said as you dropped your gaze as you recalled the way the lawyer had attacked your dad for your case, only to have to relive the nightmare of the findings in the cave for Tracy's.  "But considering the lawyers and the content of both cases, I think he did really well."

"I'm glad."  Noctis replied.  "But I am a bit confused as to why Korn and Ignis are there though.  Especially after the long and intense argument that they gave us about not going in the first place."

"I have been wondering that myself. When I first saw him"  You said as you turned back to Ignis.  "But I guess Korn was summoned here.  And was able to bring Ignis with him."

"I understand that part."  Noctis replied.  "But why was he summoned?"

"I don't know."  You replied as you looked down for a moment.  "But I guess we'll find out tomorrow."

"Well let me know.  And call me before you go to bed"

"I will.  I talk to you then."

Then you hung up the phone and looked at Ignis again.  Ignis slightly dropped his head as he got a serious look on his face.

"Did that answer your question about Noctis?"

"It bit." You replied. "But he always calls me."

"Yes.  I suppose he does."  Ignis said as he pushed his glasses back on his face.  "But I can also understand why he's upset with me and my uncle.  He always seems to be left behind."

"Yeah."  You said back as you tightened your grip on his hand as you stopped walking just before the back gate.  "But I am glad that at least one of you could be here."

"And," you started to say as you stepped forward and slid your arms up and around his neck.  "I'm glad that its you."

"Really?" Ignis asked as he gave you a slight smile as you moved in close to him.

"Of course. And especially since I get to do this."  You said as you leaned in and gave him a simple gentle kiss.

Ignis slightly exhaled as he closed his eyes as he kissed you back.  Then he kissed you again with the same tenderness that you were giving him as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.  He had almost forgotten how nice it was to hold you close and feel your warmth as you kissed. Although the closeness of you against him, was like a stab to his heart as it reminded him that he should have been more attentive to you before you left.  Which made him pull you closer as he deepened the kiss as he slid his arms around you completely and held you firmly against him.

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