Chapter 79 - Goblins

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"I think that's everything." Bob said as he put the last of the logs in the backpack.

"That's good."  Paul said as he zipped it up.  "I don't think we can fit anymore in here if we tried."

Bob laughed as he gestured to the super packed backpack.  "Right so."

Paul then grabbed the backpack and swung it over to his left shoulder.  But right as he did, he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder again.  He closed his eyes as he grunted from the weight of the bag as it hit his left shoulder blade.  Bob looked over at Paul with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?"  Bob asked as he looked at Paul.

"Yeah.  I'm..." Paul started to say when suddenly.

"What the fuck was that?!"  They heard Mike shout.

"I don't know."  Rick replied.  

"I think it went...SHIT!"  Mike started to say until suddenly something jumped out at him from the cabinet.

He quickly responded by firing off a couple shots.  Bob and Paul both gave each other a startled look.  Then they both quickly ran out of the room and headed for the hallway.  Bob stopped right by the curtain and pushed it open as he looked at Mike who was breathing heavy as he looked at the cabinet in front of him that he had just shot at.

 "What happened?"  Bob asked Mike when he poked his head out as he pushed the curtain wide open. 

"Something just jumped out of that cabinet and tried to grab me."  Mike said as he kept his gun trained on the cabinet.

"You sure it wasn't a rat?"  Paul asked as he gave Mike a slight smile.

Mike turned and gave him a dirty look.  But right as he did that, you noticed something in the background behind your dad that stopped your heart.

"DAD!  BEHIND YOU!"  You shouted as you saw two red eyes staring right at him as you looked through Mike's camera.

Your dad quickly turned around and saw a goblin smiling at him with it's fangs as it was crouched low to the ground.  Your dad took a step backwards as Bob moved out of the hallway and onto the bridge.

"That's not a rat."  Your dad said as he quickly drew a gun and aimed it at the goblin.

The goblin snarled at your dad as it started to move forward and towards your dad.  Your dad moved further back as he kept his gun trained on it.  Bob gestured to Mike and Rick to head towards the door to leave the bridge.

"I think it's time to go."  Bob said as he turned and followed Mike and Rick out of the bridge and to the stairwell so that they could leave.

"I couldn't agree more."  Paul said as suddenly there were more red eyes showing up as he moved closer to the bridge.  "And I propose we run."

"Way ahead of you!"  Mike shouted as he ran for the stairwell.

"Shit!"  Paul said as he turned and started running.

But right as he did, the goblins leaped out of the shadows and started chasing him.  Paul quickly ran for the stairs as the backpack bounced on his shoulder.  He gritted his teeth as he quickly put his other arm through the other arm strap so that he could take off some of the pressure from his left shoulder.  Then he quickly started down the stairs as he followed the others as they flew down the stairs.

"You know I'm getting really tired of running from shit on ships."  Mike shouted as he raced down the stairs.

"Well we didn't exactly expect to find monsters on this ship you know."  Rick said as he kept pace with Mike.

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