Chapter 14 - Old Wounds

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******Author Note******


Most of the chapter is fine but there is one section that might be a trigger for those of us who have been affected by sexual assault. If you do not wish to read this section then skip that part when you see the ******START****** Then return when you see the ******END******. I'm only including it as a way of helping myself to permanently mend old wounds that keep reopening once in a while and I'm hoping that it might help out a few others as well.


YOU crouched there for a minute as your whole body shook and your heart raced. Your palms were sweating and your eyes were watering. You couldn't seem to catch your breath as you could still feel his hands on you. You could have even sworn that you could even smell the stench of his spicy cologne mixed with his sweat and foul breath as he was breathing against you neck. You put your hands to your face as you broke down in heavy sobs.

"(Y/n)?" Ignis asked quietly as he knelt down on one knee just off to your left side.

"(Y/N)!" Your mother yelled as she came running down the stairs.

Ignis' heart skipped when he heard her. He quickly turned towards the deck where he heard her shout from. Your mom came running down the stairs and over to you.

"Ms. (l/n)....?" Ignis said startled as she approached but he wasn't sure what to say.

"What were you thinking grabbing her like that?" She said in hysterics.

Ignis' breath got caught in his throat as his heart skipped again as he stared at your mom in confusion.

Like what? He thought. Its was just a basic move that people use to grab someone.

That's when it hit Ignis.

Wait! Had someone actually used that on her? Ignis thought in horror as he quickly looked at you with his green eyes wide open as you trembled on the ground.

Your mom was trying to comfort you as she was crouched down on your right side.

"Calm down Lynn." Your father said as he walked down the stairs and towards the group. "There's no way that Ignis would have known. She never talks about it. Not even to us. And who would blame her."

"Speak for yourself!" Your mother shouted at your dad. "She told me what happened. She..."

"STOP IT!" You shouted.

Your body was still trembling. But you had calmed down enough to the point that you could at least talk again.

"Ignis didn't know. And dad's right. I haven't told anyone the whole story." You said as you slowly sat back on your feet as you wiped your face with your hands.

"Not even you mom." You said as you gave your mom a quick side glance. Your mother lightly gasped as she looked at you.

Ignis moved closer to you but didn't touch you. He didn't want to upset you anymore than you already were. Besides, he had been the one to trigger the event. He didn't want a repeat of that anytime soon. But his urge to comfort you was great enough to make him want to be as close to you as he could, even if he couldn't touch.

Your dad gave Ignis a pat on his shoulder when he saw how worried he was. Ignis looked up as him a gave him a worried smile. Your dad nodded and smiled back at him, than handed him his jacket and tie. Ignis laid his tie around his neck then took his jacket and carefully placed it over your shoulders and back. He was hoping that the weight and warmth from the jacket might bring you some comfort.

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