Chapter 32 - Bedtime Stories

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NOCTIS sat there for a few minutes in silence as he thought about what you and Ignis had just told him. Never in a million years could he imagine that all of that would have gone down. Although, he had heard about the mission to Niflheim from his dad. And you had told him about your brother. But for there to be a connection between the two. And for this to lead to your parents disappearing during the training lesson. It seemed that now everything was starting to make sense to him. He had been wondering why Cor had a crystal with him. He didn't need to ask him anymore. He could almost guarantee that his dad had made him take one with him just in case.

Noctis dropped his eyes as he looked at the bed.

"Have they heard anything else about your parents?" He asked in a quiet voice.

You dropped your head and took a deep breath.

"No. We haven't heard anything." You quietly said. "But then again, I have been a bit distracted."

Noctis slightly smiled at you. "Yeah I suppose you would be with everything else that had happened tonight."

"Yeah." You said as you slightly smiled back at him. "I am surprised that you slept through me find Snowball though."

"Who?" Noctis asked as he tilted his head.

Just then a ball of white fur came walking up to everyone on the bed.


Noctis jumped at first. Then smiled with a slight laugh.

"Now that's a face that I haven't seen in a long time." He said as he reached out and placed his hand on Snowball.

She pushed up against his hand and almost instantly started purring. He smiled and started slowly petting her.

"But how?....." He asked as he gave you a look.

"We have no idea." You said as you gave her a sad smile. "I just happen to see something white in the garden and went to investigate. After calling her, she came out of the bushes."

"Just like that?" He asked as he watched your expression as you stared quietly at your cat.

"Yeah." You said then took a shaky deep breath. "I freaked out though after holding her. She had blood covering her on one side."

"Blood?" Noctis asked as he stared at you.

You simply nodded as you kept your head down. "Your dad called for a vet to come check on her. Turns out it wasn't her blood. But the question still stands though, of whose blood was it?"

Ignis tighten his grip on you as he pulled you closer to him as he held you from behind.

"We should know by morning who the blood belonged to." Ignis quietly said as he slowly glanced back up at Noctis.

Noctis slow nodded and looked back down.

"So did my dad say how long you'll be staying with us?" Noctis asked as he looked back up at you.

"No." You said as you shook your head. "But I suppose that will all depend on what happens with my parents."

Noctis nodded.

"Well, I for one, am glad that you're staying here. I just wish that it was under better circumstances." He said as he smiled back up at you.

"Although, I won't have to worry about Ignis taking off to go see you now." He said with a mischievous grin.

"That was while I was helping her to get caught up with her classes." Ignis quickly said.

"Perhaps." Noctis said with a devilish grin. "But you did fly faster out of here to go see her then when I fell in the driveway while learning to ride my bike."

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