Chapter 117 - Car Clashes

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"Be safe on your way home you two." Brian called over to you and Noctis as you walked towards his car.

"You too." You called back to Brian as Noctis opened up the passenger door for you so that you could get in the car.

"Thank you." You said to Noctis then slid into the front seat.

"Anytime princess." He said with a smile as he closed the door before you could argue with him.

Then as you sat there putting on your seat belt, you watched him walk around to the driver's side of the car and get in. "You do realize that I'm suppose to be the one opening doors for you right?"

"I will never let you open up a door for me if it is just the two of us." Noctis said to you in a firm tone as he closed his door and put his seatbelt on.

"But I'm suppose to be the retainer here." You tried to argue.

"I don't..." Noctis started to say when your phone went off.

You both paused for a moment as you heard it. But you didn't make a move to answer it.

"Are you going to get it?" Noctis asked in a low tone as he looked at you.

'Yeah." You quietly replied as you pulled out your phone.

Your heart leaped as you saw Ignis' name. "It's Ignis."

You quickly answered it. "Hey? There you are. Is everything okay?"

"Yes. And I'm on my way to come get you." Ignis said over the phone.

"Oh. Your on your way?" You nervously asked out loud and glanced over at Noctis.

But as you looked over at Noctis, you saw the scowl come across his face. He hadn't been too pleased with Ignis ever since you had gotten back from Altissia. Especially since Ignis had once again been totally engulfed with his studies and had been late almost every night picking you up from work, if he was able to come at all. Which was why Noctis was there now. He had gotten tired of you having to wait for him, or worse yet, having to stand outside and wait for him to arrive. Which had happened a couple times.

You had tried to walk back to the citadel once. But Noctis pretty much blew a gasket when he saw you walking up the stairs and there hadn't been a car anywhere near you. So you had tried to call for a ride that next day. Well Noctis made sure that Ignis had heard about it. Especially since you had had to wait outside the restaurant by yourself while Tredd was heading over to get you.

The whole thing was pissing him off so much that he had not only gotten into it with Ignis, but also his dad. Which had not been a pretty sight. You had been so embarrassed that you had hidden in your room for the rest of the night. That had been the last thing that you wanted to happen.

Well because of it all, Noctis had showed up at the restaurant early and just hung out until you were off work. He had sat in a booth and had worked on his homework while you worked. Which actually had been a lot more fun. Especially since you were able to help him out with a couple subjects since you had already had that course before and knew what the teacher was looking for. And Noctis had seemed to really enjoy it as well.

"Late as usual." Noctis growled under his breath.

"No it's okay." You quickly said. "Noctis is taking me home tonight."

"Noctis?" Ignis asked in a shocked tone. "He's there now?"

"Yes." You replied. "In fact we're already in his car."

"Don't bother Ignis!" Noctis shouted. "Stay home and study instead! It seems to be the only thing that you care about any more!"

You slightly shrunk back in your seat as Noctis angrily started his car and put it in gear.

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