Chapter 69 - Distractions

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You didn't really respond to anything as you sat off to the side as Luna talked with the navigation team. Especially since Chris wasn't even there. You had hoped to be able to talk to him before he went on watch. But it was hard to talk to someone if they weren't there. So instead you just sat there and listened to them talk with Luna.

Most of the questions that they were asking were about Tenebrae and about other locations that she had been to. There were a few about some of the people that she had saved. But for the most part they were simple questions. And most of the them asking questions seemed to be very nice.

But there was person in particular that kept staring at you the whole time. And that was the guy who had gotten hit by Chris earlier.  And as you sat there, his staring was starting to make you uncomfortable.  Especial since he just sat there with a smug look on his face the whole time he stared holes into you. You tried to look in any direction but in his. The last thing you wanted was to encourage whatever was going through his head. Unfortunately this didn't seem to be enough when he finally opened his mouth after you had been there for about forty-five minutes or so.

"It's amazing what you have accomplished, your highness." He said as he gave Luna a quick glance before he turned back to you. "But I have a question for your escort over there."

"We're not really here for me." You responded to him with a quick glance before you looked back at Luna.

"What? I can't ask you a simple question?" He asked as he seemed to be enjoying himself as he watched you shift in your seat.

"Again. We're not here for me. This is so that you can talk with Ms. Luna." You returned with more force as you gave him a hard look.

"So then what your saying, is that you will only talk to Chris? What the rest of us aren't good enough for you?' He asked with a smirk.

"No. That's not it." You started to argue back.

"So then its gotta be sex then.  Which means that you just admit that it's because your sleeping with him?" Keith said with a smirk.

"What?!" You said as you felt your heart starting to race. "Why the hell would you say that?"

"Well shit. Everytime you see him, you end up in his arms.  We've all seen it." He returned with a satisfied smile as he watched your jaw drop and your cheeks heat up.

Then like a bad flashback, you recalled every time that you slammed into Chris.  Keith had been right.  Every time there always seemed to be someone else nearby. Both times in the passageway.  Someone had been walking past the two of you. And the whole bridge watch team got to see what had happened during the mid-watch.

Suddenly you understood why he was giving you that look. He had been waiting for this moment the whole time. You couldn't help but to become very self conscious that everyone was now staring at you. Your heart started racing as you looked at everyone's faces as they looked back at you.

You suddenly felt embarrassed as their eyes seemed to stare straight through you.  You then turned to Luna and gave her a desperate glance. She sadly smiled and nodded to you. You then got up to step out of room. But as you started to walk out, you couldn't help but to clutch your hands into fists as he started talking loudly.

"What's the matter? It's just a simple observation." He called after you as you opened up the door and stepped out.

Once you got outside, you closed the door and slumped up against the wall. You hadn't expected that to happen. You closed your eyes as you tried to steady your nerves. For it seemed like every one of them was making you shake as you felt your whole body tremble. You took a deep breath as you tried to calm down.

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