Chapter 33 - Diving In

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AFTER getting your shower and yourself back to your usually look, you were prepared to once again face the world. You walked out of the bathroom and saw that Ignis still wasn't back yet from the pool where he was practicing his dives. He had mentioned in his letter that the diving coach was going to be stopped by today to have a look at his dives. You were curious yourself and was hoping that he wasn't finished yet.

You grinned to yourself as you tried to picture him soaring off of the 3-meter springboard. 

First things first. You thought to yourself. Let's pick up the room first.

After you made up both beds, you then turned the sofa bed back into a couch so that you could use it as such, once you both got back from the pool. Then you put your clothes into your gym bag and closed that up, but you left it on the bench at the foot of the bed. Then you looked around for Ignis' bag so that you could put his with yours, but you couldn't seem to locate it. that was when you figured that he must have taken it with him.  So with one last look around the clean room, you headed out the door to go find Ignis.

As you opened the door, you were greeted by Monica and Gladio, who quickly breaking away from each other.  Both of faces were flushed and their breathing was rapid.  You didn't need to be a genius to know what they had just been doing.  You simply smiled at both of them.

"Don't let me interrupt."  You said as you walked past them as you headed towards the stairs.  

"I'm just going to go check on Ignis.  You two can continue, whatever you were doing."  You said with a sly smile as you started to descend the stairs.  "I won't be back for a while if you want to go in and watch TV for a bit.  See you later."

Neither of them said a word as they watched you walk down the stairs.  Instead they quickly opened up the door to your room and slide inside.  You knew what they were planning on doing once they entered the room.  But this didn't bother you. Besides, you figured this way, they would at least be out of sight of prying eyes.

When you reached the bottom of the stairs you were greeted by one of the maids.

"Good morning miss."  She said as she bowed to you.

"Good morning."  You returned.  "Do you know if Ignis has returned from the pool yet?"  You asked as you glanced around to make sure that you hadn't miss him.

"No miss."  She returned.  "I haven't seen him yet."

"Thank you."  You returned as you walked towards the entrance of the private quarters.

Once you left the quarters, you headed down the hallway that you knew would lead you to the front foyer area.  As you pushed open the solid wooden door, you were greeted by Jared as he stood by the door.  He had gracefully grabbed the handle as it opened up so that he could hold it open for you. He paused for a minute when he saw you walk out the door.

"Greetings miss (y/n)."  Jared said as if in shock.

"Good morning Mr. Jared."  You returned with a smile.  "You haven't seen Ignis walk past yet have you?"  You asked as he stood there and stared at you.

"No.  Not since this morning."  He said with stunned tone.  "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss him."  You returned with a smile as you headed for the door on the other side of the foyer that you knew led to the pool and practice room.  

"Thank you Mr. Jared."  You called back as you opened up the door and walked through.

You happily walked down the hallway until you smelled the chlorine in the air from the pool.  Then you closed your eyes and took a deep breath and smiled.  That was a smell that would always relax you and get you excited no matter what.  You opened your eyes again once you knew that you had reached the door.  Then you pushed the door open and saw one of your favorite scenes in the citadel.

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