******SPOILER ALERT******
You watched the images as if you were viewing them through the safety of your tv at house. Except it felt like an endless broadcast, as the images seemed to play over and over before your eyes. You weren't sure what any of it meant. But your past had already told you, that it was a real vision. The events were going to happen.
Now when and how it was going to take place? That was a different story since you had no idea. All you could tell was that it would be sometime in the future. And this was based on how old Luna and Noctis appeared to be. Now whether they would be okay, or if they were going to be hurt, or possibility killed, was the thought that seemed to wake you up.
Well, that and the fact that you felt your body being lifted up off the floor. Even though you were only stirred enough for you to be aware that you could smell your dad's cologne as you felt his arms wrap around you. Because after that, you fell unconscious again as he started to move you. Which seemed to be at a fast pace as you felt your hair move across your face as everything blacked out again.
You weren't sure what time it was when you slowly started to back wake up completely. All you knew was that you could hear your dad talking. You slowly opened up your eyes and saw him talking with the doctor. Then you felt your heart almost stop as you saw what looked like your mom standing beside him. The woman that was standing next to your dad, was dressed like your mom would be in her usual skirt and blouse as she clutched her purse in front of her. You tried to see her face, but she had her back mostly to you as they talked.
"She looks to be okay." The doctor was saying. "At least nothing serious enough that a good rest won't cure."
"Do we know what happened?" Your dad asked.
"No. We haven't been able to figure it out." Doc said as he shook his head. "We'll just have to wait until she wakes up and we can ask her in person."
"I'm fine dad." You said as you looked down as you slowly pushed yourself up to sit up on the edge of the bed.
You kept your eyes down as you sat up. You were too afraid to look at the woman anymore as you knew that it couldn't possible be your mom. And you didn't need to tease yourself into thinking that it was.
Your dad quickly moved over to you and wrapped his arms around you. "Oh thank the six."
You slightly smiled as you let him hug you for a moment before he let go again. Then he dropped down to one knee and gave you a worried look. You smiled back at him as he reached up and ran his fingers across your cheek as he scanned your face. He gave you a relieved look as he let out a deep breath.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he watched you carefully. "Are you in any pain?"
"I'm just little tired is all." You said as you tried to sit up as straight as possible.
You didn't want your dad to worry about you. So you tried to relax as much as possible and make it look like you were perfectly fine. Even though you felt totally exhausted. Your whole body felt drained of all of your energy, as if it had been pulled right out of you.
"What happened?" He asked as he searched your face carefully.
"I'm not completely sure myself." You said as you dropped your gaze. "All I remember was touching Luna on the shoulder as I tried to get her to stop. Then......."

FFXV: Growing Pains (Ignis X Reader)
Fanfiction(Book 1 & 2) Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young u...