Chapter 10 - Hot Water

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******Lemon alert******

Ok, so I couldn't resist. I wanted to see if I could write this one the right way. But unlike some of the others, this one will be a bit calmer and most of the chapter is fine. But again, if you don't want to read it or aren't comfortable with it, just look for the ******Start****** and ******Stop******.

For everyone else. I hope that you enjoy it. This one may prove to be a challenge, but I do hope that you enjoy the way it comes out.


YOU weren't quite sure how anything got cooked in the kitchen that night, considering how distracted you were with having Ignis in the same kitchen as you. For it seemed that everywhere you went, you ran into him. Which wasn't really a bad thing. But it was making it difficult to concentrate. Since each time you two were out of everyone's sight, you would either seek a kiss, grab an ass, or have an intimate touch as a hand would brush across certain areas. Or even a combination of them.

By time dinner was ready to serve, you were so turned on that you couldn't wait for bedtime. This way you could have your private moment to relieve the heated tension between you two. Although you weren't even sure how you were going to pull that off considering your dad was right next door and Noctis was on the other side. But you figured Ignis already had a plan.

This of course was going to have to wait until your training session was done. You weren't exactly thrilled with this idea considering you had been working most of the day. But then again, you were kind of looking forward to testing your new skills against Ignis. It had been quite awhile since you two had last sparred. And besides, the last time ended up being just as erotic as the kitchen had just been.

So after changing, you both met in the gym. Ignis was already in the gym by time you opened up the door. You felt your heart rate increase as you looked at him in his gray muscle shirt and darker grey sweatpants. His shirt seemed to accent his firm well-defined chest and arms. You couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him. Although he seemed to have the same issue as he gazed at you in your black spandex shorts, grey muscle shirt and black spots bra. Your eyes locked on each other with a heated look while you both silently started wrapping your hands up in your hand wraps.

You seemed to be teasing each other as you pulled the cloth in between your fingers. You would wrapped up one finger before bringing the cloth around your palm and back up to wrap around another finger. By time you both had your hands wrapped up, your fingers were tingling with the urge to run your hands over his tight chest and sexy six pack as you touched him again. But then as you both walked out onto the mat to get ready to start, you were interrupted by the door opening up as your dad walked in, in his gym clothes.

You both froze and stared at him as he set his bag down. He then leaned down and grabbed his wrap cloths and quickly started to wrap his hands. You glanced at Ignis as you tried to figure out what your dad was doing there. He gave you a slightly confused look as well until your dad looked up at you two as he tucked in the ends of the wraps.

"We're going to change things up a bit today." Your dad said as he came onto the mat as well.

You both stopped and watched him as he looked at the two of you. You hadn't expected him to join it. And you weren't quite sure if you wanted him to or not. But you figured you would see what he had planned.

"The two of you have already shown that by yourselves, you are capable of taking out a single enemy who is about your same strength. Maybe even just a bit stronger. But there will be a time when you met an opponent who is much stronger than you. This is where you will need to work as a team in order to take them down." Your dad started to explain as he nodded at the two of you.

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