Chapter 95 - True Friends

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"Ughhh.  I'm stuffed"  Prompto said as he slumped back on bench seat in the restaurant.

"I wonder why."  You said with smile at him.  "I think you had half of the buffet on your plate."

"I did it for practice for tomorrow.  I need as many carbs as possible.  And the more carbs the better."  Prompto groaned as he started to rub his stomach.   

"That's not quite how that works."  Ignis said as he pushed his glasses back up on his face.

"Well then what about Noctis?"  Prompto said as he pointed to Noctis.

"Don't go bringing me into this."  Noctis said as he kept his head down as he finished off his plain cheeseburger and fries.

"Yes.  Please don't."  Ignis said in a flat tone as he gave Noctis' a strong look.

"You could have gotten his plate for him you know."  Gladio said as he smirked at Ignis.

"You know as well as I do that that only goes so far with him."  Ignis said as he finished off his last dumpling.

"Besides, he would only pick off the veggies or ignore them or like anything else that looks healthy on his plate Gladio."  You said as you smiled at him as you finished off your spaghetti with meat sauce.

"Do they always argue like that?"  Angie whispered to you.

"You have no idea."  You whispered back with a smile.

"Can we not talk to much.  I'm trying to feel my legs again."  Prompto said as he closed his eyes as his stomach was starting to hurt him now.

"I guess it's a good thing that we walked to the restaurant then."  Gladio said as he looked at Prompto.  "You'll be able to walk off some of that as we head back to the hotel."

"Can't I just call us a cab?"  Noctis asked as he gave his best friend a side glance.  "I don't really feel like walking."

"You could use the exercise as well."  Gladio said to Noctis.  

"And besides that, it's a nice night out and the hotel isn't that far from here."  You chimed in before they started arguing again.  "And perhaps, we might spot a couple stores to shop at later for suvineurs for everyone.  I know Iris and Gina would love to get something, considering they couldn't make it."

"That sounds like a splendid idea."  Ignis said with a smile at you.

"Now that you put it that way."  Noctis said as he looked at you and nodded.

"I think I can handle that."  Prompto said with a wink to you.

"Iris would be upset if she didn't get something.  And I suppose there's no harm in window shopping now for it."  Gladio said as he slowly nodded his head.

"It's settled then."  You said with a smile as you placed you napkin on your plate.  "Let's pay then head out.  I had spotted a cute novelty shop on the way over that I'm dying to check out."

Then with a smile, you got the attention of the waitress and asked for the checks.  Then after everyone paid, the whole group headed out.   After letting the coaches know what you plans were of course.  Which they didn't have a problem with it, as long as everyone stayed together and didn't stay out too long.  

Of course this was after a reminder from the coaches that everyone needed to be ready to get on the bus early the next morning.  This way everyone could head over as a team to the pool first thing in the morning.  Apparently your team was slotted to have the first practice time in the morning so that they could start to get use to the pool.  The other teams would be in later during their time slots.

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