Chapter 126 - College Greetings

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So after deciding on a fresh sub-sandwich, the two of you found an empty table and sat down to eat. You couldn't help but to smile broadly at Ignis as he seemed to be total relaxed as you both quietly ate. This wasn't the case with you though, since you couldn't get over the feeling that it felt like people were starring at the two of you. Which you tried to put behind you as you just tried to enjoy your meal.

But then right as you were finishing your sandwich, two guys came walking up to the table. One was a short haired blonde and the other looked like a skinnier version of Gladio. They both seemed to be eyeing you up and down as they approached. Which was making you very uncomfortable.

"Ignis. I thought that was your car that we saw over by the admissions office." The blonde said as he came over and pulled out a chair.

You watched him swing the chair around backwards then straddle it, and place his arms on the back of the chair, all while staring you. "So are you going to introduce us to you lovely companion here?"

"Brady, Jason, it's good to see you." Ignis said in a flat voice, as the brunette sat down normally on a different chair. "This is a my girlfriend (y/n)."

"(Y/n)." Ignis said as he turned to you.

"This is Jason." Ignis said as he gestured to the blonde.

Hiya." Jason said as he gave you a dazzling smile with perfectly white teeth and sky blue eyes that seemed to slightly darken as he glazed at you.

"And this is Brady." Ignis said as he nodded at the brunette.

"Sup." Brady said as he relaxed in the chair as he nodded and crossed his arms and legs.

"It's nice to meet both of you." You nervously said as Jason kept gawking at you.

"So she does exists." Jason said as he gave you a heated look. "And she's cute to boot. I can see why you kept her a secret from us."

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat as you tried to hide behind the table from the blonde. Please tell me these two won't be here for the next two years like the last chick.

"Of course he had to keep her a secret from you." Brady said as he did a bored side glance at Jason.

To you, it appeared as if Brady had seen Jason do this countless times. Great. Perhaps that's why Ignis never mentioned anything about them. Or even suggested me coming to join him for anything at the college.

And when you glanced over at Ignis and saw his flat expression, you could almost feel his regret of it now. You couldn't help but to feel a bit bad for Ignis as he also looked like he was starting to regret eating out in the open like this.

"And hell, the way that you chase after girls Jason, is truly astounding. Disturbing at times, but also astounding." Brady said as he gave Jason a disapproving look.

You slightly smiled at Brady. It looked like he was more like Jason's retainer by the way he was talking to him. Which made you think of a certain retainer in training.  And of course, of a certain prince. But without the very strong womanizer part.

"And what's wrong with chasing after beautiful woman?" Jason said as he eyes darken even more as he gave you a heated look.

"There is nothing wrong with pursing a beautiful woman." Ignis said as he pushed his glasses back on his face before he turned and gave Jason a piercing glare. "Unless that woman is already taken."

"Alright. Atggtlright." Jason said as he dropped his gaze and waved his hand in the air.

"I get it." He said in a normal tone before he looked back at Ignis with a more relaxed look. "I would never try to take her from you anyway."

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