Chapter 18 - True Intentions

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AFTER you and Monica entered the changing room, Monica locked the door so that you wouldn't be disturbed. She had you sit down on the bench then she sat down beside you. You continued to look down. You felt ashamed that the first time that you meet Monica is when you freaked out. Some first impression.

"Do you feel calmer now?" Monica asked as she searched your face.

"Yeah. Thanks." You said as you kept your head down.

You nervously started rubbing your hands together. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I tried to stop, but.."

"But you felt powerless." Monica finished for you. "You felt like your body belonged to someone else and that you had no control over any of it."

You gave Monica a surprised look.

"Yeah. But how..........?" You started to ask as you search her face.

Monica looked at you with a slight smile.

"I've been there too." She replied as she put her hands in between legs and grabbed the bench.

Monica then explained that her step father would do things to her every time he was left alone with her. She had been afraid to say anything to her mom at first, since he had threaten to hurt her if she did. So instead she decided to ask to be signed up for martial arts classes. Her mom was surprised at first, but did it anyway.

Then once she was confident enough in herself to know that she could escape from him, she told her mom. When he found out, he came after her and tried to attack her. But no matter what he tried, he couldn't touch her. So, he went after her mother instead. Monica said that she ended up defended herself and her mom, while her mom called the police. Shortly after that, she had to fight him off and then restrain him, before the police finally arrived and arrested him for assault. Then later on, he was charged with rape and was forever registered as a child rapist. He had been in jail ever since serving his ten years sentence.

Monica told you, that ever since that day, she has continued to improve her skills so that no one can hurt her again. After hearing Monica's story, you started to see a new path for yourself and you found strong respect for Monica. If Monica can come back from that. Then there wasn't any reason why you couldn't do the same. It wasn't going to be easy, but it could be done. You gave her a huge hug that was full of tears from both of you.

Then after a few minutes, you had calmed back down. Then you each took a shower. Once you were dried off, you changed back into your school uniform. Monica changed back into her street clothes once she was done with her shower. Then you both stood in front of the mirror as you fixed your hair.

"I really appreciate you sharing your story with me." You told Monica.

Monica looked back at you and smiled. "Thank you for listening to it." She said then dropped her head. "I've found that the more and more I talk about it, the better I feel about it. It's like I'm not as afraid of it any more. You know."

You looked down and thought about how you had felt after you to told Ignis about what had happened to you. It had made you feel better. But it had also made you feel those old emotions all over again.

"I'm still too afraid to tell too many people." You said as you thought about how Ignis was the only one who knew the whole truth.

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