Chapter 33 - Share Everything

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******Slight Lemon******

Ok so it starts off a bit intense, but it doesn't last very long.  I had decided to go with a shorter sex scene this time around.  And it's not as graphic as the others have been.  So it's not too bad.  But I still wanted to give a heads up, just incase.

So enjoy or not.  It's totally up to you.  ;)



All you could see was the back of your head as Ignis had you lost in a sea of bliss as he inhaled your neck as you moved your hips in rhythm with his as you straddled him. You couldn't get over how amazing he felt inside of you as he filled you up. The sensation made you want to cry out as he pounded into you. You bit your lip and clutched your hands as you fought to stay quiet. Sure you had locked the door to his hospital room. But you still didn't want them finding out what you were up to.

But then, you felt that you couldn't hold it back any longer, as you felt him starting to come unraveled. He had to pull away as his breathing became erotic as he neared the same edge that you had been clinging to. He then started to tense up as he felt you clamped down on him as you gave in and fell off into the blinding white haze. You arched your back as your whole body was taken over by pure pleasure. He gasped as he felt his own release overcame him as you tightened up on him. But he kept up the motion as you both became engulfed in the sensation.

Both of you were silent as you gasped before you passionately kissed each other as you slowly came back down once again from the high. He slowed down his hips as he slide in and out of you. You felt your whole body starting to shake from the intense sensation as he lost himself in you as he kept moving.

"Ignis....." You whispered in his ear as you tried to control your body as it trembled under his hands.

He then quickly recaptured your mouth as he gave you a heated kiss again. It was as if that one word was enough to reignite him again. Or perhaps it just further raised the current pleasure. You weren't sure. All you knew was that every movement was super sensitive and he had you squirming as he held you close to him.

Now don't be mistaken, it felt amazing. But at the same time you felt like you were going to collapse as your body felt like it was going to give out. So you pulled away from him as you started to kiss down his neck as you tried to steady your arms again. He deeply exhaled as he fought to keep from moaning under you.

You may your way down his neck as you slowly kissed him. He finally stopped moving his hips as he became lost in the gentleness of your kisses. Once he stopped moving, you pushed up with your hands so that you could look down at him. You both slowly opened your eyes and gave each other a loving look as you both fell in love again with how the other looked.

Then he ran a hand through your hair as he moved it behind your ear. The quiet of it sent chills once again through your body as you sat there.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Especially when you're unraveled like this." He said in a quiet voice as he gave you a heated gaze.

"No." You said as you shook your head as you dropped your gaze. "It must have slipped your mind."

"Nothing slips my mind." He said with a heated voice as he swiftly pushed himself up and recaptured your mouth again

Then he proceeded to kiss you as he talked and gradually increased the intensity with each kiss. "But perhaps, the words haven't slipped out of my mouth, since you take my breath away, every time you've looked this sexy."

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