Chapter 50 - Change of Plans

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After playing twenty questions with the police, you were finally able to relax for a bit as they were being escorted out by Korn. You and Ignis were both sitting on the couch waiting for Korn to return. You were curled up next to Ignis with your feet on the couch and you had the blanket wrapped around the two of you. You had your head on his shoulder as you both watched the news as it was still talking about what happened. But this time it was on a different channel.

But you weren't really paying attention, since you felt like your head was about to explode from the interview. Some of the questions that they had asked shouldn't have been difficult. But the way that they asked them was almost misleading. But either way, you answered every question honestly. You figured that it didn't make any sense to keep anything from them since they would find out either way. And besides, like Tracy, you wanted justice served.

"Now that their gone. Let's get to work." Korn said as he walked back into the living room.

"Good." You said as you started moving the blanket off of you. "I'm tired of just sitting here doing nothing. So how do you want us to look for the slug."

Ignis and Korn both gave you a curious look as you stood up. Ignis wasn't quite sure what had gotten into you. And Korn was surprised that you knew what he was getting ready to say. You looked back and forth between the two.

"What?" You asked.

"How did you...?" Korn started to ask.

"My dad mentioned it as he was taking Tracy in to talk to the investigators." You plainly said.

"Plus." You continued as you crossed your arms. "I overheard the three of you before they laid down for their nap."

"Well then that makes this simple." Korn said as he pushed his glasses back on his face with his middle finger. "I want both of you to search the entire pool deck area to see if you can spot it. This includes the bottom of the pool. But I don't want you going in unless you absolutely have to. Right now the water temperature is way to cold for you to swim in it for an extended period of time. And be sure to search in the trap for the pool pump. There's a chance that it may have been caught in the drain."

"But what if the sniper is still out there?" Ignis asked as he searched his uncle's face.

"There is no worry with that. I have two teams searching for the sight of the shooter. One team is at the hotel across the way and another one is searching the citadel. Shooting over here will be the last thing that they'll be thinking about. They'll be to busy trying to hide if their still there." Korn said as he turned his attention to the buildings outside. "Besides, snipers usually only strike for their target once from one sight. After that they have to move in order to avoid detection. And in this one's case, there isn't any other location other then the hotel or the Citadel for them to shoot from. So it a safe to assume that they won't be trying that again anytime soon."

"Fine with me." You said as you stood up. "Let's get searching."

"Perhaps after lunch." Ignis chimed in. "It is about that time."

"Are you serious? Is it that late already?" You asked as you looked at him in surprise.

Then you looked at the time on your phone as saw that he was right. You hadn't realized how much time had passed while you were talking to the investigators. Not that you were really upset that you couldn't start the search yet. You just wanted to do something. All of the sitting was starting to make you anxious.

"Perhaps I could help?" You heard a soft voice say from the stairs.

Everyone turned and watched Mary walk over to the group.

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