Chapter 8 - Dinner Date

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"GOOD evening.  And welcome.  I'm so glad that you could join us."  King Regis said with a big smile.

King Regis stood with his hands stretched out to his sides as he greeted us. He was dressed in his black pin striped suit, black shirt, black and white striped tie, that was finished off with his black leather shoes.  His dark brown hair and mustache gave him a fatherly appearance as his eyes shined with affection.

"Let me welcome you to the Citadel and my home. I hope that you have been treated well so far." He asked as he looked at all of us.

"We have your Majesty."  Your dad answered as he bowed again.

"I'm glad."  King Regis smiled back then came over to you and bent down so that he could see your eyes.  

"I know that Noctis has been anxious for your visit."  He said a bit quieter towards you.  "Please pardon him if he seems a bit nervous."

You smiled and dropped your head as you slightly blushed.  

"I can understand where he's coming from."  You said as you tried to brush the loose strands of your hair behind your ear.

"Good evening."  You heard a familiar voice say as you looked away from the king and towards the new comer.  "I hope that my dad hasn't been boring you."  He said with a smile.

There walking up, in a nice black suit himself, was Noctis. He looked almost exactly like his dad except that his jet black hair had the teased look to it. He was giving the king a joking glance as he approached.

"I dear say that I have no idea what you mean son." He joked back with a smile. 

Noctis just smiled back at him and shook his head as he joined his dad by his side.  The sight of the two of them joking like that, gave a sense of the true relationship between the two.  The King truly did care for his son and so did his son in return. You could see the loving affection of both on their faces.

"Well now that Noctis has joined us, shall we proceed to the dining hall?"  The King said as he placed his hand on Noctis' shoulder.

"Sounds good."  Your dad said.

"Please, this way."  The King said as he released Noctis and gestured towards one of the doors, that was being held open now by Jared. 

The door revealed a hallway that led off to the left from the main entrance.

Noctis bowed to you and held out his arm for you.  You weren't sure what that was about until you looked over at your parents and saw that your mom had taken you dad's arm with her hand.  They smiled and nodded to you with a smile.  You smiled back at them then turned to Noctis and placed your hand around his extended upper arm.  

He smiled and stood up as you further wrapped your hand around his arm. He placed his hand over yours then dropped it as he started to led you and the group down the hallway to the dining hall.  As everyone walked down the hallway, you could feel your heart beating fast in your chest as your nerves were starting to come unhinged.  Noctis looked at you and smiled.

"You look very nice tonight (y/n)."  Noctis commented to you.

You blushed and looked down at your feet.  

"Thank you very much.  You look very handsome yourself."  You returned as you looked back up at him.

"Thank you. Just try to relax okay?"  Noctis smiled back.  "It's just dinner."

"I'm sorry."  You said as you dropped your gaze and squeezed his arm.  "I'm just nervous."

"It's alright."  He returned.  

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