Chapter 13 - New Threads

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After returning to the citadel and a quick shower, you found Ignis and yourself in the kitchen as you both started making breakfast for everyone. The two of you were busy in the kitchen as you were making a full french toast feast while the rest were cleaning up. The two of you had figured out a way to work in the kitchen and not run over each other. You each took on one part of the meal. Ignis was taking care of the French toast while you were cooking up the sausage, bacon, and eggs. Once your food was cooked, you each placed your part down carefully on each plate before putting them under the heating lamps so that they didn't get cold. This worked very well and seemed to speed up the whole process.

You smiled to yourself as you placed the last piece of bacon on the final plate. But then as you reached up to place it under the heating lamp, you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You paused for a moment and glanced back over your shoulder as Ignis placed a kiss on your cheek. Then he released you enough so that you could put the plate down. Then once the plate was under the lamp, he slowly turned you around so that you were facing at him.

"I could get quite use to having you in the kitchen like this." Ignis said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Oh? Is that right?" You asked as you smiled back as you placed your hands on his shoulders.

"Oh yes." He said with a hint of heat in his voice.

But then as he leaned in to give you a kiss, the kitchen door opened up as someone walked in. You quickly released each other and turned away as you both went about collecting the last few items that you needed for breakfast. You slightly glanced up and saw that it was Korn who had walked in. He stood by the door and just watched as the two of you loading up two trays before he said anything.

"I'm impressed. I see that you two have already figured out a way to work well with each other." Korn said as he watched the two of you put on the final touches for each plate with smooth precession before placing the plate lids on each one.

"Thank you." You both said as you turned and gave him a slight smile.

Then you both stood up with a tray each that was full and ready to serve. Korn smiled at you two, then stepped out of the kitchen and held the door for both of you. You walked out and saw that everyone was already seated and ready to eat. You watched as Ignis went to the left side of the table and started to place the plates down. You slightly smiled, then turned right and did the same on the other side.

Ignis glanced across the table and smiled at you as you both watched each other as you simultaneously set down the plates with care and turned them the right way for displaying the plates. Once all of the plates were set down. You walked past each other on the far end and gently touch hands as you continued around to the other side of the table and removed the plate covers from each plate as you walked past them. Everyone seemed impressed with the look and smell of the food, which brought a smile to your face as you met Ignis back at the head of the table before returning to the kitchen to return the trays and lids.

You entered the kitchen after Ignis did. You watched him place his tray and lids on the counter then he turned to you. You smiled as he took your tray of lids from you and slide yours beside his. Then he grinned back at you and placed his hands back on your waist again. You smiled back and returned your hands on his shoulders.

"Now where were we?" He said in a low growl as he slowly pulled you towards him.

"Right about here." You purred back as you stepped forward and gently placed your lips on his as you leaned closer to him.

You allowed him to pull you completely against him as he wrapped his arms around your waist as he exhaled. You melted against him as he pulled you firmly to him. His warm touch made you instantly fall under his enchanting spell as you gently kissed. But for you, just a simple kiss wasn't going to work this time. For you wanted more than just a peck this time. So you increased the pressure as you pulled him closer and slightly opened your mouth.

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