Chapter 20 - Protectors

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"NEXT group."

TWEET. The whistle sounded again.

"Try not to fall behind, prince." The senior said.

Then he flew off the wall.

Noctis narrowed his eyes.

Oh I won't. Noctis thought.

Then he sank under the water and warped off of the wall as he charged forward.

Noctis quickly caught up to the senior as he stretched out with his breaststroke. He kept his hands cupped as he pulled the water towards himself. Then he threw his torso quickly forward with his arms stretched out and into the pocket of water that he had just created with a powerful frog kick. So despite the senior's height, his strokes weren't quite as smooth or as streamlined as Noctis'.

Perhaps those lessons had paid off.

Now Noctis knew that you wouldn't be happy if he caused any major issues. But what you didn't see, you couldn't get upset with. So as Noctis pushed his way up the lane, he kept his arms in tight and his kicks strong.

When Noctis was right beside the senior he waited until the senior was doing his glide. Then he shot his right foot straight out to the side with his kick and slammed the senior right in his left side. The senior stopped as he gasped from the hit. Noctis kept swimming but kept his kick within the lane. The senior stopped and started treading water as he glared at Noctis. He had his hand on his side as he tried to get the pain to subside. Then when he heard the next swimmer in his lane coming up on him, he started after Noctis at full speed.

You came to the wall and did a touch turn and started heading back down. Within a few strokes you came across Ignis, but then it was almost immediately you passed Noctis. You were shocked for a minute as you tried to figure out why he was so close to Ignis. But then you saw the senior trying to fly down the lane towards Noctis.

Oh Shit! What did Noctis do? You thought as you saw the senior fast approaching Noctis. Damn it. I have to stop him before he reaches Noctis.

And with that, and against your better judgement, you moved closer to the left side of the lane as the senior approached. Then right as he was passing you, you struck out with your left foot with your kick and slammed him on his left hip. This pushed him to the side a bit and caught him off guard again. He stopped and looked at you. Then he turned and started coming after you, but this time using freestyle.

"Chad! What the heck do you think your doing?" The coach yelled when he saw him swimming after you.

Chad couldn't hear the coach and was so furious that he swam under the lane line and came plowing after you. You could feel him coming after you, but you maintained your current pace, and you made sure that you were closer to the wall to escape if you had to. But you wanted the coach to see his actions towards you. Chad came flying up and grabbed your left ankle and yanked you back towards him. You blew air out your nose, as he pulled you back, so that the water wouldn't go up your nose. Then you flipped over and kicked him square in the chest with your right foot to get him off of you. He released you for a second but then he recovered and came right back at you.

"CHAD!!" The coach yelled as he came flying around to side of the pool.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!!!" He screamed at you as he came up and out of the water.

Then he dove back in the water and came after you again. But this time he grabbed both of your ankles and yanked back hard as he pushed you under the water. You weren't expecting that and you almost instantly started panicking as he pushed you towards the bottom of the pool. You frantically tried to get your legs free as you furiously kicked your feet to get him to release you.

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