Chapter 129 - Last Night

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******Lemon Alert******

Alright, one last one before everything starts again.  But as always, if you don't want to read it, just look for the ******Start****** and the ******Stop****** to know when to skip.  I will say this though, it might now be as hot and as heavy as some of the others, but the love and intimacy truly do come out in this one.

I hope you enjoy it.  ;)


You looked at yourself in the mirror as you stood there wearing your favorite nightshirt as you brushed out your hair. Normally you wouldn't have even bothered with your hair before bed. But after laying on the couch watching TV, you could feel the snags in your hair already. And you really didn't want them to get any worse from you sleeping on them.

When you were almost done you, you felt a presence by the doorway. You glanced over and saw Ignis leaning against the doorframe wearing his long-sleeve pajamas shirt and pants.  He had his ankles crossed and his hands in the pants pockets. He gave you a slight smile as he watched you.

"I didn't know that you brushed your hair before bed." He said quietly as he watched you.

"I usually don't." You said as you looked away suddenly blushing. "I just happen to see a few knots in my hair and didn't want to add bed head to them."

"May I?" He asked he pushed off the wall and walked over to you.

"You sure?" You asked as he walked up behind you.

Ignis just nodded at you as he looked at you through the mirror. Your heart rate started to increase as you smiled back and handed him your brush. Then with smooth strokes, he slowly brushed your hair. Each stroke sent shivers running down your spin.

"There." He said after a few moments. "I think I got them all."

"Thank you." You said a little too breathlessly then you wanted to.

"It was my pleasure." Ignis said as he moved closer to you as he handed you the brush. "I've always loved how amazing your hair looks."

Then Ignis slowly reached up both hands and started running them through your hair. You felt chills running through your whole body as his fingers started at the base of your neck before they slowly ran down the full length of your hair. Your heart started to pound as you watched his eyes in the mirror as he focused on your hair as he slowly moved his hands. By time his fingers left your hair, you were out of breath. Only for you to slightly gasp as he reached up to do it again.

"Your hair is so soft." He said in a deep voice as he lifted up part of your hair towards his face as the other wrapped around your waist. "And it smells amazing."

You closed your eyes as he pulled you up against him as he dropped his head down to your ear as he softly inhaled. "I could spend a lifetime like this and never get enough of you."

You then gasped as he kissed you hard behind the ear as he tightened up his grip on you. You rolled your head to the side to give him better access as you moaned from the sensation. Your body instantly began to melt against his, as he kissed your neck and heavily exhaled. Every nerve was ignited as he gently kissed you one more time before he pulled away.

"But perhaps we should continue to get ready for bed." He said as he kissed your shoulder as he moved his hands to your upper arms and gave them a gentle squeeze.

Then he released you and walked over to the furthest sink and opened up the top drawer. You glanced over at him as he got ready to brush his teeth. Your heart was still racing as you stood there. Ignis glanced at you with a slightly concerned smile.

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