Chapter 49 - Hidden Feelings

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NEXT thing you knew, you and Ignis were both being embraced by Marge. She had tears in her eyes as she was hugging each of you with one arm. You shyly smiled as you met Ignis' gaze. He slightly smiled back as he tried to hide his frustration.

"Let go of them Marge, so that they can come in."  Jim said as he walked up behind her and slowly removed her arms from the two of you.

"Please, come on in." Jim said as he moved himself and Marge out of the way so that you could enter the building.

The four of you were walking through the foyer as you headed for the private quarters when you heard the bell for the elevator go off. You glanced over and saw Korn step out as well as King Regis. They had been talking when the door first opened up. But the minute that they saw you and Ignis, they seceded. They both gave you a very concerned looked as they approached. Their looks made you stop dead in your tracks. Ignis stopped beside you when he saw what had caught your attention. He slightly squeezed your hand as he sensed your nervousness as you watched them.

"I'm glad to see that you both made it back safe and sound." King Regis said to both of you as he stopped right in front of you.

"Yes indeed. And I'm glad that you had told me about the earlier incident. Otherwise, this might have had a different outcome." Korn said in a very serious tone as he looked at the two of you.

You dropped your head as you remembered talking to Korn about what you had seen at the school earlier that day. Ignis squeezed your hand as he watched you. You did a quick glance at Ignis as you gave a very quick smile. Before dropping your gaze again. Because you knew that the next part of the conversation was probable going to be about what changes that they were going to do in order to keep everyone safe.

"Shall we move this to the sitting room?" King Regis said as he gestured towards the hallway.

"Where's Noctis?  Is he alright?  Nothing happened there to, did it?"  You asked as you slowly raised your eyes to meet King Regis.

"No."  King Regis said as he gave you a reassuring smile.  "In fact, he should be on his way back now."

"Well that's reassuring." Ignis said with great relief.

"Indeed."  Korn said as he looked at his nephew.  "Now let's head to the sitting room.  We have a few questions that we need to ask you both."

You nervously nodded your head as you glanced back down again.

"Yes sir.  I'm sure you do.  I'll tell you anything you want to know, to get this to stop." You said as you fought back tears.

Ignis moved closer and put his hand on your back as he tried to comfort you as he gave his uncle a concerned look. Korn matched his look and nodded at Ignis as he knew what he was thinking. Ignis sightly smiled before he led you into the sitting room in the living quarters area. Once everyone was seated, Marge served everyone a nice warm cup of tea to help everyone relax.


You and Ignis were sitting on the couch just like you had been in the car with you sitting beside him with your feet tucked up under you. But this time, his suit jacket was draped over the back of the couch, your shoes were neatly beside the coffee table, and you had a blanket covering you up as you snuggled up with it as you sat beside Ignis. You had your teacup in your hand as you looked at the fluid as you slowly swirled it around as you slowly tilted the cup.  The room was quite after you told everyone what had happened after you had left the gym.  But as everyone was thinking about this, Noctis came walking into the room.

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