Chapter 45 - Fun Memories

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IGNIS stood there in his room, in shock for a moment as you dashed out of the room. You had just gone from seducing him, to a game of tag in the blink of an eye. His body was still reacting to you dragging your fingers down his neck as you whisper in his ear. Only for you to flip it on him and take it a completely different direction.

Although he wasn't sure if he was upset about not being able to touch you again, or not. But he did know one thing, you had been right that there had been no fun in the house. And perhaps that could be one of the reasons for not having pictures up. There just weren't enough good memories here yet. Ignis slightly smiled, then turned and looked in your direction as he heard you giggling as you flew out of the hallway and started heading down the stairs.

So you want to play then? Ignis thought as he put on a devilish grin.

Let's play. Ignis though then dashed off after you with a grin on his face.

You squeaked when you heard him coming after you. Then you slightly increased your speed as you raced down the stairs. You smiled to yourself as you were glad that he took the bait. You knew that that could have gone one of two ways. The first one being that he would join in and have some fun. Where the other, he would get upset and the whole thing would blow up in your face. You were very relieved that it was the first outcome.

Once you reached the bottom of the stairs you ran over and got behind the couch. Right as you reached the other side, Ignis came down the stairs and came to a stop just in front of the couch. You gave him a big smile as he watched you to see which direction that you were going to dash off to.

"You know that Korn wouldn't want us running around here." Ignis said with a smile on his lips.

"You better catch me then." You teased back.

Then you made a move like you were getting ready to dash to the right. But Ignis moved over to block your path. You grinned back and then switched to make a move to the left. He moved over to block your path again. So you stopped as you tried to think. Ignis just grinned at you then charged forward as he ran towards the couch. You squeaked again, then turned around and ran towards the dining room that was right behind you. Ignis ran up and vaulted over the couch as he raced after you.

You ran over and tried to get behind the table, but he quickly caught up with you and you ended up just running around it and dashing back out of the dining room area. You took out your phone as you considered dashing into the kitchen, but you knew that you would get caught. So instead you ran for the door that led to the outside patio. But just before you dashed out, you dropped your phone on the couch. You didn't want it to get damaged as you played. Ignis saw this move and followed suit as he dropped his phone by yours before racing out the door after you.

You screeched to a unsteady halt as you reached the pools edge at the deep end of the pool. But before you could look around to figure out which direction to run to next, you felt Ignis grab your waist. He was trying to pull you back from the edge, but hadn't quite calculated the motion correctly.
Well that, and he had no idea that you were still slightly off balance. Which accounted for his body taking yours straight towards the water. As soon as he realized his mistake he quickly wrapped his arms completely around you and turned you so that he would be the one to hit the water first.

You both held you breath as you felt the cold water rush over you. As you entered the water you felt his arm slightly tighten around you before it released you. You quickly moved away from him so that you weren't preventing him from coming back up. But you were mindful to keep your arms in front of you as you swam to the surface. You didn't want to hit him as you swam back up.

Right after you reached the surface you started treading water as you looked around trying to spot Ignis. But when you didn't see him, you started to panic. So you quickly swam to the wall and held on as you started scanning the water again.

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