Chapter 91 - Party Planner

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You and Ignis sat in the dark theater with his arm across your shoulders as you rested your head on his chest.  You both snacked on the popcorn that you held in your lap while the movie played.  You had both decided to watch the most recent action suspense film that had come out after the guy selling the tickets recommended it himself.  So after grabbing some popcorn and a drink to share.  You both were soon engulfed in a world of thrills and chills as the hero detective tried to save the girl from the evil mastermind.  

Now your weren't sure how the twist of faith had gone in your favor.  But somehow it had worked out that is was just the two of you this time.  And you knew that for once, it wasn't Ignis' planning it either, after the trip to the citadel to see who else wanted to go.  Which was how you saw Gladio and Noctis getting ready to spar in the gym after Noctis tried to hide from Gladio so that he could sleep the day away.  Which really didn't sit too well with Gladio.

And you knew that Prompto was busy. Because he was at your house working on his mega-tronics shop project with your dad.  And Iris and Monica had taken Talcott over to the park to play with some friends. The only one left that was going to come, had been Gina.  

But at the last minute she got stuck in the kitchen with Marge after using the kitchen without permission.  She had trashed it out as she tried to make cupcakes for everyone as a surprise.  But instead she ended up accidentally dropping an entire bag of flour on the ground from the second self in the bakery section of the kitchen.  Of course this caused the bag to explode and cover everything in pure white.  The scene looked like a freaky winter snow storm had dump right in the kitchen.

You had offered to help on that one, but Marge was very insistent that you and Ignis leave that to Gina to take care of.  Much to Gina's dismay.  You couldn't help a slight smile though when you remember seeing Gina completely covered in flour herself.  That clean-up was going to take awhile. 

Suddenly You couldn't help but to glance around the screen as the movie lit up the whole room as it came to one slow scene.  The room was bright because it showed the detective at his desk as he went over the evidence as he tried to figure out were the culprit was so that he could go rescue the girl.  The bright light had hurt your eyes and made you look away.  But when you did, that was when you saw the couple that was sitting near the wall, in your same row.

And it was very evident that they weren't watching the movie. Because they couldn't seem to keep their hands to themselves as they made out in their seats.  It seem innocent enough to you at first, when it looked like they were only kissing.  But then you saw her hand move down and start to move in a very suggested way.  Which you had a feeling was more then just suggestive.

"Looks like someone, could use a private room."  You heard Ignis say in a quietly annoyed tone.

"Agreed."  You quietly replied as you saw the guy scoot down in his seat.  "Their enough to make anyone blush."

"Indeed."  Ignis replied as you suddenly had to look away when you saw something come out that you knew should never come out in public like that.  "Perhaps we should find some place a bit more comfortable.  Because I don't know about you.  But I would rather not watch another couple make out like that."

"But what about the movie?"  You asked as you looked at him.

"We can always buy it when it comes out if you want." Ignis said as he got up from his chair and started to head out of the room.

"No. That's okay." You said back as you followed him. "I don't think it's that good anyway."

"Hmm." He smiled back as you both exited the theater. "I'm glad that we are both in agreement on that.  So where would you like to go instead?"

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