Chapter 107 - Tension

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The beep chimed as Paul walked into the cafe.  He paused after he closed the door and looked around only to see the usual scene.  Noctis was in the back booth drinking his iced tea while you were talking to him as you cleaned off the table right beside him from your last customer for the evening.  It brought a smile to his face as he watched the two of you smiling at each other as you talked.  

He had been worried at first about how the young prince was going to handle not being able to see you everyday after school for swim practice.  But ever since Regionals, things seemed to have worked themselves out for the two of you.  In fact he was a bit surprised that Noctis seemed to be spending more time with you then Ignis had lately.  But then again, Ignis had been wrapped up in mid-terms at the college which had him spending almost all of his free time studying and working on his final projects for his classes.

"Hey Paul.  Would you mind locking that for me?"  Brian asked as he walked out of the kitchen and saw Paul standing by the door.

"Sure."  Paul replied.

Then Paul turned around enough to flip the lock on the door before he headed for the counter.  You looked up at him and smiled as he walked through the cafe.  Noctis looked over and gave him his usual annoyed look.  He didn't like to see Paul anymore since it meant that your shift was almost up and you would be heading home soon.

"Hey dad."  You said brightly to your dad as you put Noctis' empty glass in the dish bin and grabbed the rag and started wiping down the table.  "Let me finish off the rest of the dishes really quick then I'm done."

"Take your time."  Paul said with a smile to you as he saw Noctis narrow his eyes at him as you cleaned off the table that Noctis was sitting at.  "We're in no rush.  And besides, you'll be off for the next week anyway."

"That's right.  Tomorrow your heading back to Altissia aren't you?"  Brian said to Paul as he started wiping down the counter as you turned and walked into the kitchen carrying the bin full of dirty dishes.

"Yeah."  Paul said as he sat down on one of the chairs by the counter.  "We're leaving before first light tomorrow.  I want to be out of the city before the traffic starts."

"How many people will be going with you for the trip?"  Brian asked as he started putting the counter condiments back in their usual places.

"It'll just be the two of us this time."  Paul replied as he kept his face from Noctis as he watched him drop his head out of the corner of his eye.

Noctis and Ignis had both already told him that they thought that they should be going as well.  But after a very lengthy discussion about blending in and royal protection, they were unable to convince him otherwise.  Besides, they both had other obligations that they needed to tend to.  Ignis had his college Mid-term tests and projects, and Noctis was swamped with his high school end of semester exams.  Your dad had already made arrangements for you to take yours online like you had while you were Altissia last time.  Which was easy for you since you had done it before.  But it would have taken a bit to get the same arrangements set-up for them.  Especially since it would have been a last minute thing for them.

"Well I hope it goes well.  But..."  Brian started to say as he leaned on the counter with his elbows so that he could talk quieter to Paul.  " you think you have enough evidence to convict him like that gang case?"

"We should."  Paul quietly replied with a slight smile.  "Her statement that we got from her during Regionals was the turning point in the investigation.  Everything she said perfectly matched up to all of the evidence that has been presented so far.  But we'll have to wait and see what the defense attorneys' office have dug up during all of this."

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