Chapter 41 - Personal Strangers

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YOU had been laying awake in bed for what seemed like forever as you kept recalling the events that had happened several hours ago now. You still weren't one hundred percent sure exactly what or how it happened, but you had finally been able to break through your fear and finally prove that you could get out of a headlock. But you never would have, if it hadn't been for Ignis. You thought as you absently touched your neck where he had placed the kiss that had brought you through the haze. You could still hear his voice as it came to you out of the fog.

"Don't give into the fear. Give into the heat. Give into me."

You could still feel his kiss on your cheek that had brought out all of the private moments between the two of you. You kept your eyes closed as you remembered how his gentle touch always seemed to leave your skin tingling, and your heart and mind soaring to new heights each time. As you thought about how it felt, your body started to heat up in response. You quickly shook your head, now was not the time for that. You had to get some sleep.

But it seemed the longer that you laid there, the more you wanted him. You just couldn't get the feeling of him laying on you out of your head. His firm grip on your wrists as he had held them over your head, his warm breath against your neck, and his hips firmly pressed against yours as he kept you pinned to the floor. You started to feel your body longe for his touch as you felt wetness starting between you legs. You shook your head and sat up.

Damn it. You though as you struggle to calm down.

I need some air. You thought as you got out of bed and walked over to the balcony.

You opened the door wide and closed your eyes as you were welcomed by the beautiful scent of the multitude of flowers that were in full bloom. You walked out to the railing and stood there for a few minutes as you tried to think of anything other than Ignis. But with every direction you look, you were reminded of him, from the table in the garden, to Noctis' balcony that was just a couple down. You couldn't get him out of your head and you couldn't explain why. You signed as you sat down on the floor balcony. You moved up to the railing an let your feet dangle off of the edge. Then you rested your head on your arms after you laid them across the railing. 

Then you closed your eyes as you tried to clear your head.  Then you felt a head bump against your side.  You looked down and saw Snowball looking back at you as she started to purr.  You smiled down at her then started to pet her soft fur.  Snowball always seemed to sense when you needed a distraction.

You sat there petting Snowball as you became lost in thought as you remembered how you use to do that at home. You would sit on your balcony for hours at night and look at the stars as you listened to the crickets in the yard. It always seemed to calm you down when you were upset or when you were missing your dad when he had to travel for work.

You dropped your eyes as you though about those days. All those times you had always thought that he was giving some type of lecture or was doing some special training. You wondered now how many of those 'trips' had been missions that he might not have returned from. How many had he lied about just to keep you safe?  Then of course it was the same with your mom. Had she really gone to visit other HR offices or attend conventions? Or had those been just a cover story to the truth that she been undercover as she was gathering information for Korn?

As these questions where flying around in your head which made you start to feel something that you hadn't before. You started to feel angry with them. You even felt hurt. You felt angry that they had hurt you.

They had always been the ones to tell you to say the truth. But as it turned out, they were the ones lying the whole time. They had lied to you, which hurt you, which now was making you furious with them. They didn't even tell you the truth about your brother. Your own brother! For six sake, he was FAMILY!!!

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